[u][center][b]Season 2, of the year 3901,Turn 2[/b][/center][/u] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R24kaaQ.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Our High Council[/u][/b] Minister of State: None! Minister of War: None! (You haven't elected any) [b]Councilors:[/b] Magus Nilrem Sir William of Dakhen Lady Katherine Evangeline Greywind [s]Master Alexander Lanc[/s] Lord 'Duke' Jarvis Pentaphraxis Lord Robert Green [b][u]Finances[/u][/b] [b]Office of the Coin[/b] The Office of the Coin reports directly to the council on the state of our economy. Taxes: 0 assets paid to the Office of Coin City Assets:0 Allocated Funds: Magus Nilrem (2,power), Lady Greywind (1,power), Lord Pentaphraxis (1, militia), Lord Green (1, power) Expenses:-5 total Militia , 1 per season Energy, 3 per season +1 paid to Estate Power for a total of 4 [i]Our bills are paid this season![/i] --- [center][u][b]Laws Enacted by Council[/b][/u][/center] [hider=WOL] // The Workers League Act of 3901 // [i]Men over the age of 16 shall be eligable for enrollment in the Workers League-A nationalized union of skilled/unskilled laborers dedicated to bolstering the economic and industrial infrastructure of the city. Enrollment is [s]mandatory[/s] voluntary.[/i] The [b]WOL[/b] shall garrison groups of no more than 200 men at designated spots around the city wherein they shall set to work building farms, factories and any infrastructue as deemed appropriate by the aforementioned authorities. The High Council shall have executive powers of veto in project designation. The WOL shall provide: [list] [*]two meals a day for every WOL member, except every seventh day where a third meal containing meat shall be provided[/*] [*]A sleeping cot, and WOL uniforms[/*] [*]Minor medical attention not requiring surgery or sorcerous procedures shall be provided[/*] [*]Clothing shall be provided[/*] [*]one day, or 12 days per season of rest[/*] [*] A minimum of a 12 hour work day[/*] [/list] A regimental system of organization shall be mandatory for each garrision. 'Commanders' shall be responsible for performance of their respective garrisons. WOL workers shall be eligable for positions of leadership only below that of Commander- A quota of production will be maintained by each garrison. // Office of the Coin estimates WOL initial costs to be 3-4 assets (Construction Raw Materials, Textiles, Garrison Organization, Appointment of Officials, Propaganda, Security. This cost will be accounted for in next seasons expenses.// [/hider] --- [b][u]News of the Greater Lands[/u][/b] [indent]King Nestor, our ally and king of Pillar Neln has offered to resume trade with our city. His neutrality in our war with Pillar Malka was a 'necessary evil' as his royal ambassador has stated. Their terms are reasonable and will provide the city with +1 asset income in trade.[/indent] [indent]King Prospero, of that loathesome city Malka has sent troops to Fort Algerin, a mere 400 miles across the Tempest Sea! Knights in War Machines (mechs) have been spotted among the some 1000 regular soldiers. This is a clear violation of our treaty agreement![/indent] [b][u]News of our city, Dakhen[/u][/b] This seasons top news: [list=1] [*]We're Hungry![/*] [*]The Workers League will give us jobs![/*] [*]The Workers League will ruin us all![/*] [*]The Arena is open again! Hooray![/*] [*]Malka soldiers have taken Fort Algerin! Soon they will come for us![/*] [/list] [u][b]Media[/b][/u] [hider=Civil Unrest] [indent]Protestors associated with independent labor consortiums have begun to demonstrate outside Workers League construction zones. Violence has broken out in isolated locations. City militia have been dispatched by order of Sir Izar Maxim, for extra security at high-risk zones. WOL units have reported the demonstrations are slowing the initial construction phase.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Residenz News] ...spokesman Steward Fitzroy has reported that the High Council has convened the first official session of the newly formed government. Amidst rising tensions in the Industrial Sector, some are questioning the appointment of three of Dakhens most famous industry captains.... ...In other news, The City Arena has reopened it's portcullis for the first time since the end of the war with Pillar Malka, several seasons ago. A spokesman for the private-owned mega-entertainment company called this coming years spectacles as some of the 'bloodiest, garrish and disturbing entertainment you will ever see!'...the company reports sold-out shows for.... [/hider] --- [b]Report for Madame Greywind[/b] Stats:Assets(0, -2 engines, -2 investiture into workforce reorganization,-1 city power bill), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) --- [hider=Engine Duty] You began investigating the possibility of locating and repairing Pre-Descent Engines for use by the city. A report compiled by the Engineers Guild confirmed your hip-shot assesment of the radiation levels in the most subterranean levels of the city. You ran any number of scopic scans to try and locate potential Engines for reconstruction but the concentrated levels of radiation have distorted the images. Nonetheless, you believe you have located 2 Engines worthy of reconstruction. [/hider] [hider=The Labor of Labor] [indent]You began studies on how to create more jobs for the mob. The recent war has devestated the economy; industry was geared towards weapon and ammunition production for many seasons. These factories could be repurposed for simple, tradeable commodities quickly, efficiently and at low cost.[/indent] [indent]Also in short supply are teachers, engineers and medical staff, but these specialized services would require several seasons of training and a commitment of a large amount of assets, but would lay the foundation for a much stronger economy.[/indent] [indent]You allocated 2 assets to shift your companies biosynths production away from agriculture and focus on industrial and social sectors. Your teams got started immediately, but with no specific task in mind they haven't produced any results yet. The infrastructure is present, management is needed. Carry on in this task and you will surely see your production increase.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=ULW analysis] [b]Union Labor Works[/b] continues to turn a profit and has seen a positive market impact with your election to the High Council. 3 out of 5 citizens in a poll of 2000 use Union Labor Works brand products. The company image is positive despite some minority opposition to biosynth engineering. [/hider] [hider=Message From Madame Larimar Vol] [i]...the power game is my business Kat, but you play it well. I will see what my engineers think of your plan to re-ignite some of those old Engines using your "RADjacks". Send your drones over and I can get started as soon as the credits clear...I've heard about your little socialist work plan you and what's his name concocted. How ever did you push that garrish law through the council so quickly?! I'm jealous Kat, for all the wrong reasons. The other industrialists might not see this WOL project as such a great idea...especially when it nationalizes the industry...[/i] [/hider] --- [b]Report for Sir William of Dakhen[/b] Stats: Assets(5, you spent 0 this season) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2 ) --- You have made no plans this season. --- [b]Report for Magus Nilrem[/b] Stats: Assets(3, 2 spent on city expenditures((power))) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0) --- You have made no plans this season. --- [b]Report for Lord Robert Green[/b] Stats: Assets(4, -1 city power costs) Power(0) Production(4) Influence (4) Charm( 3) --- [hider=Fitzroys report on Food Distribution] Dear Sir, I have made inquires into the necessary funds required to begin distribution of food-stuffs. Sir Izar Maxim has suggested I use his tiny force of militia to help distribute the food. I have also spoken with the Priests at the Temple of Tallus and they will lend a hand in distribution. A contact of mine in Pillar Neln has informed me that his city has a surplus of food available for purchase. These supplies can be sent to Dakhen with due haste. Together we estimate a total of 3-4 assets to [i]completely assuage[/i] our hunger problems with a seasonal upkeep of 1-2 assets. Anything less will only give temporary subsistence to the truly desolate. It is a good thing you suggest councilor, I would surely follow through. Yours, Fitzroy [/hider] --- [b]Report for Duke Jarvas Pentaphraxis[/b] Stats: Assets (1, 1 asset paid to the militia, 1/2 to expand company operations,1 asset in donation to the Priesthood of Tallus) / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 --- [hider=Militia Payed] You sent an agent with the payroll for the city milita this season. The agent made sure to display the Pentaphraxis colors on his cloak when he called upon Sir Maxim. You also copied the Nets Invoice to Sir William along with Sir Maxim, so your fellow counselor will see what you have done. [/hider] [hider=Message from Sir Izar Maxim] Many thanks my lord for your wages paid this season. It has been many seasons since we've had a proper pay check. The men will toast your honor tonight at supper. [/hider] [hider=Factory Woes] You scoured the Dao'Min slums for suitable locations for factory expansion. Unfortunately, your engineers assure you the neglected structures in the slum would be of little use to expanding your operations. They suggest instead demolishing the abandoned factories around your existing factories and starting from scratch. This would of course eject thousands of destitue squatters from these buildings. You saved 1 asset in this endeavour. The proposed project would take one season and add 1 production to your statistics (for a total of 2 production::8 assets per year) [/hider] [hider=Donation Accepted] The Priesthood of Tallus was shocked at the generosity of your donation. They immediately commisioned a new War Machine for their armory, dubbed "Legacy", a light-armored mech used for scouting and patrols armed with a long-range high velocity bolt rifle and a side-arm phaseblade. The knights have pledged to toast house Pentaphraxis at supper for a whole season. [/hider] [hider=Message from Sir Ben Pella] Blessings of Tallus the Merciful upon you good Lord. My name is Ben Pella, a simple knight in service of our lord Tallus. On behalf of our humble priesthood, I extend my gratitude to yours and your house for your overwhelmingly generous contribution to our cause. My comrades have convened on how to spend these monies and we can only justify this expense by commisioning a new War Machine. We have named it "Legacy" in honor of your most ancient and regal bloodline. You have friends at Temple good lord. Sincerely, Sir Ben Pella, High Guardian of the Temple of Tallus [/hider] --- [hider=Edit Log] 11/17: (Fixed production numbers for Jarvis) [/hider]