[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/w5phAL9.png[/IMG] [/center][hider=Appearance] [center][b][u]Human Form[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/H1OFwij.jpg[/IMG] [u]Beast Form[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/SIpKb81.jpg[/IMG][/b][/center][/hider] [center][b]Name: Romeo Nickname: Lover Boy, RoRo, Psychopath, Rage, or Rome Age: 19 Color Rose: Red-The color of passion, heat, fury, violence, and seduction. Tattoo Location: Upper right bicep. Abilities: Out of all his brothers Romeo would be consider the meat head of the bunch. He has enhanced strength, he is the strongest of his brothers. When it comes to charming someone into doing what he wants, Romeo is a real romeo. He knows how to get something when and how he wants. He's cunning, he may look like a meat head but he usually thinks before he acts. He also know MMA, he likes to fight with his hands more then weapons. Likes: Girls, Drinking, Smoking, Working Out, Fighting, Girls, Being The Center Of Attention, Being A Beast (when he can control it), Being The Leader Of A Group...did I mention Girls already? Dislikes: Not Being In Control Of His Wolf Form, The Unbreakable Curse, Being Told What To Do, Boring People, Annoying People, Lame People, Stuck Up People, Anybody That Romeo Doesn't Think Is Fun To Him. Personality: Romeo is a loud, aggressive, fun time having guy. He loves to party and drink and other wild things. Romeo is the type of guy who loves to push people's buttons. Romeo is the black sheep of the family, they want to get rid of the curse; Romeo just wants to learn how to control it and use it for his benefit. Romeo was always the one to go commando (not in that way), he would do his own thing. If he didn't like something he wouldn't do it, or he would argue with the person to change it. With Romeo he is one stubborn guy, it's his way or no way. Out of all his brothers he has the most anger issues, it takes him a while like days to get over something that made him angry. That's why he's glad to have his brothers around to bring him back down to normal (whatever that is). History: (This should be discussed with the others, so leave it blank for now.) Other: He likes to hunt, using daggers instead of bows; it's more personal and upfront like he likes it. Theme Song: [youtube]qpgTC9MDx1o[/youtube] [/b][/center]