Jump City: Jump was now almost a ghost town, thanks to the combination of constant villain attacks, the disbanding of the Titans, and the fact that, with all of the heroes gone, villains were almost running unopposed... Almost... [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070802193745/dcanimated/images/e/e8/Lexoskel.jpg]A large Lexcorp loader-bot[/url] stomped down the street with a gang of mutants hanging off of it. The gang had modified the robot with a grenade launcher. "WOOHOO!!! SHOOT THAT ONE!!!" yelled one of the mutants, the robot stopped and pointed it's Grenade Launcher at a car before firing and engulfing the car in a fiery explosion. "BOOYA!!!!" they cheered. However, the celebrations were cut short as one of the mutants on top were grappled by a glowing rope and pulled off into the darkness of the night. The robot turned around and pointed the Grenade launcher into the alleyway that their ally had been dragged. At that point, the rope came again and yanked away another of the mutants from the hull of the robot. "WHAT THE FUCK'S GOIN' ON!?!?!?" yelled one. "Me..." replied a black voice as a shadow appeared behind the leader of the gang, who was stood at the very top of robot, a legsweep sent him felling to the hard pavement bellow. He toop out his gun and fired at the shadow, but it was too late as the shadow disappeared. He stood motionless looking around. "Where'd that fuck go?" he asked. The robot looked around, a high powered headlight on the front of it scanning for her. Had they remained perfectly still, then the sounds of the gyro's that allowed the robot to move wouldn't have drowned out the sound of a faint hissing. Something dropped down from under the robot and darted with almost superhuman speed towards the gang leader, roundhouse kicking him in the face, hard, then placing a firm boot on his chest and forcing him to the ground. The robot turned around to point it's headlights at the shadow. A woman stood in a black costume and holding a detonator. pressing the button, there was an explosion that ripped the torso from the legs and it fell over. The pilor tried to climb out, but the moment the hatch opened, he found a solid baterang smacking into his forehead, sending his head back against the hard metal and putting him down for the count. The woman then leaned down to the gang leader. "Do yourself a favour, stay in Gotham, you will find Batman far more forgiving than ME!" as she said the last word, her boot moved up to his face and she began grinding it into the pavement. At that point, her masks assistance H.U.D. beamed up a picture of a bat-signal. She seethed before pressing down again. "Clean up this mess by the time I get back, because, trust me, if you don't, then i'm going to make you wish that I killed people." she grunted, before walking away. She pressed a button on the side of her mask, which brought up a message from Damien, her pace slowed and she came to a stop in the middle of the street. She then pressed a button on her gauntlet, and a minute later, the air was filled with the roar of an engine, but nothing to see. She then grabbed ahold of something which raised her into the air, before she disappeared from sight completely, the engine roar spiked, before finally, silence.