[center][b]a w a k e n e d[/b] The city screamed outside of Dahlia's dirty window. Layers upon layers of dust and soot coated the old glass and meager rays of sun squeezed through to warm the girl's face. Her bright golden eyes flickered open, and she curled her knees in close to her chest with a grunt. She had never been much of a morning person and was still getting used to the friendly rays of the earth's sun. Although Undaro had developed advanced electricity systems and lighting apparatuses, it was nothing compared to this new environment. The dull white sheets covering her bed flew high into the air as her body spun out of the bed in a fairly graceful set of motions. She reached for the navy pants and lightweight long sleeved crew neck resting at the edge of her door. The apartments her and the other Uisilons had shared were far from glamorous and never given an opportunity to truly feel like a home. There was no other furniture in her room besides the simple blow up mattress. Dahlia stood and stretched towards the ceiling, pushing up on her tip toes. She tried in vain to feel for the popcorn texture but was far from her goal. She retrieved a steel gray backpack with a broken strap and slung it carelessly over her shoulder. As she slowly pushed open the door to her room, a bell sounded several times in the distance. Dahlia listened to the deep, soothing sounds as they echoed in her ears. [i]Music.[/i] Dahlia was quite fond of the Mundane art forms, especially their music. A small peaceful smile spread across her lips, and she tiptoed quietly to another door of the apartment. She looked towards the deserted "living room" sofa, [i]Well Asa's awake.[/i] Although he was one of the younger Uisilons of their team, he had become somewhat of a leader amongst their merry band. Dahlia noted he was very much like the Robin Hood from the Mundane storybooks, which made Carter Little John. She knew he was most likely glued to Asa's side in exploration of the city. Another day of study, searching, and late night debating in a new place. Dahlia sighed and shook her head. The constant moving was making it harder to bond with this so-called "family". She had never been the extrovert of the group and had struggled to make and keep friends when they lived in Undaro. Her parents had given her some words of encouragement before her departure to the surface, and they held firmly to her protesting mind. "Smile often. You have a beautiful smile, Dahlia. Get to know them, try to find similarities, and just be yourself sweetheart." She walked to another one of the doors and held her breath in her lungs. Her fist knocked gently on the aging wood, and she spoke in a timid whisper. "Jeff? Are you awake?" Jeff Draken, along with the other Gold Uisilons, was well know in the city of Undaro. He was quiet and didn't socialize much, but his natural skills with his Uisilon gift were renowned. Since the group had come to the surface, Dahlia had felt most comfortable in his silent company. During late night meetings she often made an effort to sit closer to him and express her thoughts on a writing pad when she didn't wish to speak up. Holly and Ruba both had personality enough to fill the crowded rooms. She wanted to go out and research, but Asa had encouraged them not to go alone. Despite her sense of independence, Dahlia was one of sound reasoning and knew her comrade was following sound safety procedures. She bit her bottom lip and knocked with a bit more intensity. "I'll just wait by the door." She backed away and headed for the balcony which was accompanied by some questionable flights of stairs. As she stepped outside, a cool breeze tickled the ends of her mahogany colored hair. She inhaled deeply, catching whiffs of morning dew mixed with the noxious fogs from the stacked factory buildings. Her nose wrinkled, and she blinked away the bitterness. She suddenly remembered the sunglasses at the bottom of her ragged backpack and reached her arm inside to retrieve them. Dahlia had doodled whimsical waves in blue pen along the simple white frames. She situated them on her face and careened her head backwards, waiting for a response to her wake up call.[/center]