Sarah had to admit, getting something to eat would be nice. Getting food inside a convention usually involved nothing more than a hot dog you could trade for a DVD box set and she'd rather have the box set. That meant she hadn't eaten since first thing in the morning and that was just a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. Falling into step behind the Doctor and the one from the Mega-Man series Sarah found herself wishing she'd brought her cellular. Today she'd really liked to have access to wikipedia so she could identify who the red and white android was and what his back story was. For all she knew he was working for Dr. Wiley. She'd also like to know more about Zelda since the dawn of the new generation consoles. Apparently she'd changed a lot since those first games. Then, she skipped ahead, turned around and walked backwards, half-skipping. Her plastic anklets and bracelets jangled against one another and her bag of goodies bounced against one of her thighs. She had to admit things were \picking up just as they were winding down. "Well, if you expect me to play in character," she quipped, lips twisting wryly, "someone had best be ready to drag my sorry carcass around."