[quote=Minarawr] Her glare was fixed on him as he growled at her in response to her warning, but it seemed he would listen to her.She watched as he seemed to think about what to say, before saying he was attacked. A slight huff escaped her and she shook her head. 'I figured that much. Who attacked you?'She saw the look in his eyes and sighed slightly. 'I can see you don't want to talk about it, but you have to say.' she said.'If I am still here when whoever attacked you shows up, I want to know what I'm up against.' [/quote] A small grin crossed his face when he heard her huff, as if to say she already knew that, turning to face her as she asked her next question. Actually just lazily turning on his side, one of his ears turned out on the side of his head making him look rather ridiculous for his size. He sighed somewhat, rather reluctant to tell, his mind flashed as his mind was brought back to the time he was fighting. This, beast, the horns of a goat, the claws on a lion, worst of all though, a face that resembled a wolf. The dark thing desecrated his home only with its mere presence, making the darkness it embodied engulf the mountains. He flashed forward to his skirmish with the thing, Marcus lunged without hesitation, showing he had no fear of this creature, despite it being larger than him, he was just as strong. They both went tumbling down the hillside, clawing and biting at one another with intent to maim and kill. Marcus was thrown against a jagged rock face, the blunt force hurting him enough to make him stumble as he stood, leaving the shadow creature enough of an opportunity to tear the wolf's side into bloody ribbons, the crimson red liquid flowing out like water would down a stream. The wound looked like it was oozing darkness as well, the shadowy vapors poured out with the blood, he was getting cornered, desperately trying to attack his approaching enemy only to be slammed against the rock face until it shattered against his massive body. After that all he could remember was hiding from the thing, he felt so ashamed to be reduced to such a thing after all that time. He felt like a coward, he refused to die at the hands of this creature, with every ounce of strength he had left he ran and found, her... "A monster..." He stated in blank tone, his deep voice making his words sounding much more ominous than needed.