Jack leaned down to listen, sighing a bit. "Yeah, but it's very weak.. I think we should take her back to the Northpole.. Wind take us back to the shop!" He chimed as he gently picked the woman up and made sure she wasn't going to fall out of his arms while they rode the wind. "Hey, King keep an eye out for little black things.. I saw her with them earlier so they might be what did this.. Who knows, they might try to follow us back.." He said looking around himself before slinging her onto his back and once again letting the wind take them all away. It was the best way to travel in his mind. "Why does he always vanish when it's important huh? I still think the Man In The Moon is crazy for making him a guardian!" Bunny rambled on as the three came back. "Aww, don't you like our games anymore Bunny?" Frost asked grinning when he got a glare in reply. "Whose that?" Bunny asked, getting a shrug from Frost. As if to answer Sandy floated over with a question mark over his head. "No clue, but I think she's a friend of the Moon."