Serenity busied herself with working on... whatever it was she was working on. A magitech something or other. "Vortex, do we have any more iron to spare?" She was just about done building the physical container for what she was building. Access to Matter magic really helped speed the construction along. She was a little worried, though... a shield generator would be a large power drain. Not that she could build a great one in the field like this, but it would be better than nothing, if they came under attack. She spends some time weaving Energy and Law. At least... calling it Energy was simpler. She could still do some things she used to, but... it was different, now. She could shape it or sculpt it, where before it was more like she was controlling it. She set the finished component down on the floor, and the floor ate it. Meanwhile, Serenity pulled up a holographic display of statistics, regarding Vortex and her machine's operational parameters. There's a graph displaying power consumption, which made a small peak with every step. "Alright, Vortex. Shield on." The lights inside dim for a bit and movement becomes a little sluggish, the power graph topped out before coming back down, though power consumption was a good deal higher. "Whew." The lights and movement returned to normal. "I'll have to increase power capacity... A reserve supply would be cheaper, though. Might be the better idea..." Serenity sighed and stretched in her seat, dismissing the information screen and then slumping into her chair. Gold eyes flit between cockpit displays idly before they turn to spot Leslie. "Oh, hey. Sorry, didn't notice you. I... guess I was a little absorbed. Enjoying the ride?" ~ The seat doesn't seem to immediately react to Hibiscus's touch. After a moment, though, a lump pushes up into her palm, from the armrest. Upon inspection, there would be nothing there.