Fi, was alone. Completely and utterly alone. Staring at the same scenery every single day. She hadn't been needed since the last Link put her back, like always. Sometimes she had been underwater, sometimes in temples, wherever she was moved to with the changing of time, she knew she would be there for a long time. Right now any company would be nice. Because while she was just a servant of the Goddesses, she still had a personality, wants, desires, just like any other person. Not even the Goddesses talked to her anymore. They were busy doing other things. Watching over other, more useful servants. Though she was tied to the place where her sword form slept, the Goddesses had at least allowed her to conjure up her true form whenever she wants. The same scenery day in and day out was boring, but at least she could move. She did this now, freeing herself from her prison for at least a little while. Lazily floating around the room for a little while, praying silently that the Goddesses would remember she was here. It had been a long time since the last Link had needed her. As much as she would have loved to see Link again, she would have glad to see anybody. Last time she saw somebody must have been ten years ago. Nobody cared about visiting the Sacred Ground anymore. It was too dangerous to get to for normal people. After a little more dancing around, Fi returned to the sword. Deciding that the only thing she really could do for now was sleep. Maybe wake up in a few more years, or whenever somebody entered the temple again.