Feyd tossed back and forth in his bed before he was finally awoken. He was anxious to complete the mission he couldn't stay asleep. "Maybe we should do it now?", he thought "No, I need to give our smuggler some time to prepare...If she is preparing that is" the half elf paced around his home until he had enough of being cooped up inside. Putting on some inconspicuous clothes he exited his home and began to walk the city streets. The fresh air didn't do much good to calm his nerves. "Perhaps a drink will do the trick", he mumbled as he headed for the Fox's Den. Once again entering he retrieved a tankard full of Caldari Bloodwine from the counter and sat in his usual booth. As he sat there he noticed someone approaching his booth but quickly realized it was Abbas. "Ah Abbas, I was wondering if I'd see you anytime soon", Feyd said with a somewhat dissatisfied tone in his voice "Did that shipment raid I risk you about go down successfully?" Abbas sat in Feyd's booth before answering. "Unfortunately no, the shipment could not be located. I do however know of something you might be interested in" Feyd raised an eyebrow as he inquired, "Really? And what might that be ?" He asked. Abbas handed him a piece of paper along with ink and feather. "I have discovered an elven woman named Sylvestra sends letters to the higher ups of the resistance" "And this is important to me how?", Feyd asked somewhat annoyed. "Usually it's only the higher ups who communicate with her but since you are attempting to break into the-", Feyd put a hand over Abbas' mouth. "How do you know of that!", he whispered harshly. Trying to hold in his anger he slowly removed his hand from Abbas' mouth. "I deal in communication, words and plans are my speciality. But don't worry this operation of yours is safe with me", Abbas said with a warm smile. "Thank you, my friend. I'm glad you understand my need for secrecy. So what did you mean to tell me about this Sylvestra?" "Well I have a carrier crow, if you want I could send a message to her and with luck you may get her to help you with your plan" Feyd thought over his decision for a few moments before making his choice, "Alright let me write the first message" Taking the quil in his hand and dipping the point into the ink Feyd began to write; "Sylvestra, You do not know me but my name is Feydrien Aranyil. I am a member of the resistance and I wish to procure your services on an assignment which may prove crucial to our people's cause. Myself and a few of my fellow comrades are attempting to infiltrate the king's castle. Once inside we hope to procure something to use as leverage against the tyrant. If you could provide an exit for us once we locate the target I would be greatly indebted to you. I hope to hear your reply before tomorrow night. Sincerely, Feydrien Aranyil" Feyd made sure not to write what exactly they were going after incase this was a trap. He handed Abbas the letter and the informant sent the crow off with the message. "Now we wait", Abbas stated calmly. And so the two sat there as they waited for a reply.