[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/wb2xht.jpg[/img][/center] "Nguhhh! There we go!" Nolan shoved the barrel into one of the rooms before slamming the door shut. The ship tilted once more and he heard the barrel rolling, but at least it wouldn't fall overboard now. There were still so many things to take care of, so the chef skidded back towards the main deck, scrambling after sacks of food and barrels of equipment. He manage to nab an armful of things and passed some to the captain. "I can't believe we're losing so much stuff in less than an hour." He pushed another barrel into the same room they had been tossing stuff into. The storm raged on, but there was a moment of peace. Nolan looked at the captain and wondered if this was a sign of the storm's end. "Wha—AGHHH!" He was tossed into the air and he fell onto the deck and rolled, eventually crashing into the railing. Nolan let out a groan before leaping to his feet. "IS EVERYONE OKAY?" the chef yelled as he scanned the deck wildly for his friends. They were all there, but his blood ran cold. "God save us..." Nolan rushed for the rifle that was halfway across the deck but when he reached it, he didn't know what to do. Was this really how they were going to die. "Captain!" He yelled. "What is that thing? What do we do? Can we shoot it? Should we sail away?" He was rambling now, fingers shaking and as pale as leaf. Sea monsters were supposed to be legends, but this one...whatever it was, it was real. It could kill them.