[b] Enrique-Cabin-The Pack VS the OG Crew vs The Scouts [/b] "Sylar!" Enrique bellowed angrily, "You call me a coward but those at Outpost couldn't even kill me like men! They set the cabin I lived in on fire, Amanda died, she burned alive until she couldn't scream anymore and they did it!" Enrique felt a tear forming in his eyes and blinked it away. He let out a sigh and pulled back the hammer of his pistol, he looked down at Danny and knelt beside him. "I don't want to kill you, you were a good man and I don't think you deserve death. But know if Sylar tries anything I will blow your head off." Enrique stood and shouted to Sylar, "I left so that I could spare the people my wrath, had I stayed no one would be alive. I lost the one thing keeping me there so I fucking left it to the walkers, what happened to the people there was on you and the fools who stayed!"