[First Post] Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) Joy, joy, and damnation. Just as soon as things were looking up, another crisis was descending upon Dahken. Katherine sipped at a glass of wine served by an attractive biosynth maidservant in her private chambers as she pondered the news on the screens before her. The worker's league reforms were underway, with not quite unexpected unrest resulting from them. She would let Jarvis pay for his own project, Union Laborworks was busy reshuffling its assets to adjust for the labor pool disruptions it would cause. The Pillar was still quite dependent on goods made with biosynth labor, so they would have little reason to protest her focus. But none of that would matter if they were invaded yet again. Scowling and ordering her wine refilled, Katherine pondered her options. First and foremost, the Knight had to be roused into action. It was clear he had little mind for administration (indeed, his militia were paid by Duke Pentaphraxis last season), but perhaps a immediate threat to face would give him something to focus on. But as for her.....options, she needed to determine her options. First, to follow up on the actions she had taken before. The engines, the biosynth reallocations....yes. She had plenty of options. "Shannon, my memo pad and speak-writer." [hider=Direction to Biosynth R&D] My commendations to section six for their preparations for market reallocation. Production line shifting is no easy task for biosynthesis, and I am glad to have such able staff to make such corrections readily. Priority for biosynth development for the next three seasons is to be in the industrial sector, particularly engineers and skilled labor for precision industries. The priority for the new model engineering biosynths is rapid adaptive learning. Our new workers must be able to learn on the job with the assistance of expert systems and help programs, and be easily retrainable into new roles on the assembly line. Loyalty programming is a must-have second priority, we must uphold Union Laborwork's trademark of quality in this era of dissident workers. A secondary production line we must open up is the development and mass-production of radiation-hardened genejacks for work in the Pillar Engines and military surface combat. Emphasis is on mass production. Either adapt existing brute-type genejacks to be radiation hardened, or devise a similar low-cost, high-production worker that has a longer lifespan under radioactive conditions. First five companies of RADjacks are to be delivered to Madame Vol for training in Pillar Engine mechanics, further production are to be shelved to reserve storage. Such has been ordered, so it shall be done. If it cannot, alert me immediately with alternative plans. Union Laborworks cannot afford any delay in capitalizing upon current market conditions. Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind, CEO of Union Laborworks [/hider] [hider=Message of Madame Vol] I am glad we can work together towards mutually profitable actions Lari. Once the RADjack's finish initial development, I will have work crews prepared to join and learn from your workforce to prepare for work and the possible resurrection of two Engines my engineers deem fit for repair. I am open to joint-work and ownership between our two companies to bring them back to life. Feel free to dispatch your own engineers to the engines to make your own judgments and assessments of their condition while we negotiate terms of ownership and output allocation before beginning rebuilding. As you have said, the power business is your business, and I wish to consult with an expert before making any moves. I am certain we can come to a mutually beneficial deal. I need power for my genejack and biosynth factories, and you can surely make use of more power in ways I can't think of. As for the Workers League, it is no major threat to our major industries. Look at how the poor masses argue and dissent against the very measures meant to aid them! It would almost be hilarious if their demonstrations weren't so destructive. While it will certainly do them some good in low-density agriculture and low-tech industry, the WOL ultimately cannot replace skilled workers trained by our companies in our factories and grand industries, nor replace our unique assets towards Dahken. And if they do attempt to encroach on our essential pillars of industry in any real sense, I will oppose them by any means necessary. I'd be the first on the firing line afterall, seeing how desperate the council is for reliable labor. [/hider] [hider=Message to the Council] Alright, we have an invading force closing in and not a lot of a military to meet them with. What are we going to do about it? I am willing to defer to the judgement of Sir William in military matters such as this. Union Laborworks is willing to contribute industrial biosynths to any relevant military-industrial complex as required, or provide cannon fodder if necessary to pad out our militia. I advise making use of our restored trade income to shore up our military and defenses. Like it or not, the enemy is coming once again. We need to be ready. [/hider] [hider=Turn 2 Spending] 2 Assets towards engineering biosynth and RADjack R&D and production 1 Asset towards opening negotiations with Madame Vol over the two repairable Engines to discuss how to manage their repairs and possible joint-ownership. Also begin training RADjack's in engine maintenance and repair. 1 Asset investing in the City Arena to extend the length of the games and buying a season-pass VIP booth for the Council. Will invest errant or violent biosynths and genejacks on request of the arena masters. [/hider]