[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/firefly_zps213f11ff.gif] Anise frowned as Hania chose to throw the rosary into the water and then immediately curled up into a ball. She had recovered somewhat thanks to the water and the rest she had. Randold helped her up and she was happy about that. "Randold, thank you. If we get out of here alive, I'll have father commend your honor. You've shown the same chivalry that is to be expected of a Knight of Riverforde." Now that the desperation had gone for now and the clarity of mind the water gave her she could think clearly, and like a princess. She hobbled over to Hania and took the girl's hand in hopes to comfort the girl. She smiled a brilliant and colorful smile. "Remember, you still have your faith. Remember how Cynefrith lost his way and came back to ascend the throne? Even when he lost everything, he still had his faith in justice. It was that faith that brought him to the high heavens. You are not alone like he was though, you have us. I am Princess Anise Sinclair, daughter to Roland Sinclair the Fourth, King of Riverforde, and I vow to you, we will get out of this place. We will survive. We will find our families. We will get home." She pulled on the girl's hand trying to get her to stand up. "Now, up you get. We must move forward. We must have hope." She then turned her gaze to the boy. "Have you a name, child?" She had to be strong. She had to hold onto hope. She knew that Father wouldn't be able to find her here, which meant she had to find him instead. She had to help all of these people home.