[u]Uicle[/u] He raised an eyebrow at the sudden laughter. Or at least, Uicle felt like he did. He may have no body to speak of beneath his armor, but old habits die hard. Even if he couldn't make them, he could feel like he was. Deciding it would be best to force Aarem to have at least a little more creativity when it came to plaguing him with bad luck, Uicle decided not to move during his response. "Clearly. I'd suggest a good night's sleep before a day in the College. We-" That's when the Wood Elf, at least Uicle thought he was a Wood Elf, sneered at them all. Uicle let the mage go, chuckling softly. "This is a Mage's College. Madness is a very..flexible term. I would suggest you all get used to seeing what you would have once deemed as mad, because it will become at least an often appearance, if not daily." Before he could go on, the original laughing student passed out, if only so briefly. Uicle heaved a private sigh. As tours go, this one seemed to be cursed. And he wasn't the only one. Before he could lose any more of the group, or have anything else happen to him for that matter, he went into a very brief and to the point explanation of the Forge and what they could do into it. "The Forge is where, well, things are forged. If you have a request for an item to be made, and what materials to make it out of, you bring it to the Forgemaster." He pointed the man out briefly. "If the Forge doesn't have those items in a large stock, you may be requested to deliver the materials yourself." With that, he decided they should leave. "Well. Shall we move on before any more mishaps occur?" Herding his tour group out the door, Uicle heaved a small sigh of relief. That had actually gone off without a hitch. He was sur- Just as he thought it, one of his metallic birds crashed into the side of his head. "What the-" What it whispered in his ear made him sigh. A deep, weary, resigned sigh. "Go and tell her to clean it." [i]Althalus[/i] He raised his eyebrows at the Naga as she stared longer than was entirely necessary, as if deciding whether or not she should slap him(likely with her tail). Well, nothing he could do about that except leap out of the way. Or, at least try to. Naga tended to be fast when they wanted to be. The Foreas spoke, or attempted to at least, indicating he had the right idea. Her translator was broken. It was faintly amusing the way her leaves quivered and she clapped, drawing a small chuckle from Althalus. It was excitement, certainly. Very few people, even if they were dependent on the sound for knowing what was around them, clapped lightly in fear. As Mar moved in front to lead the way, still watching him, he gave her a smirk as if he knew what she was thinking. Of course, he had no clue at all, but she didn't know that did she? Certainly, it was far to long to be staring at someone if you were deciding whether to hit them or not. He was curious as to the reason why, but now was not the time nor the place. As they followed the Naga, Althalus's eyes wandered, looking for anything interesting(and noting quick escape routes. Old habits die hard, especially when you've only stopped for a few weeks.) They stopped when they saw the same thing that caused Mar to freeze. A Naga, obviously. But one he had never seen nor heard of before. Mar certainly seemed surprised at his presence. "Well. That's a new one." He remarked to no one in particular, waiting for the ocean Naga to notice Mar staring at him. Althalus would listen, and maybe learn a few things from it.