[b] Romulus Nightshade[/b] [i] The Spanish Inquisitor[/i] --- Romulus weighs 175 lb and is 6 feet tall. He has this hair (slightly shorter) [hider= Romulus' Hair, ponytail is shorter] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/115/b/9/vega___street_fighter_by_akbardaoef-d62z13z.jpg[/img] [/hider] He wears this suit, though his cane is longer and MUCH more elegant, yes he also has a fedora which he always is wearing unless he's in his mansion. [hider= Romulus' Outfit] [img]http://cdn.styleforum.net/5/58/58636839_barocco3.jpeg[/img] [/hider] And this is his face [hider= Romulus' Face] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091113144013/streetfighter/images/1/11/Character_Select_Vega_by_UdonCrew.jpg[/img] [/hider] --- Age: Looks like he's in his thirties but is actually 15,000 years old. Bio: Romulus Nightshade is an original vampire, being born before the Great pyramids or Greece, his birth is unknown and could be assumed he just spawned into the world as a hellish being. Romulus was "born" in what was to be Spain. Due to his old origin, he is capable of speaking MANY languages, but usually prefers speaking in Spanish or English. Having to survive off of primitive humans for decades, he grew bitter with the taste and began to use his prey as torture toys; he was an evil being from the start. Surviving through-out the years, he took a liking to Italy and Spain, deciding to live in future Madrid for years to come, living in Spain for years caused for his natural accent to be Spanish. The women in Spain were abducted as to please Romulus, the beautiful ones of course whom he fed after he had an affair with them. Romulus has no remorse for any of his actions even though he knows what he does he continues on doing so. He is subtle but not so subtle and does not care to erase memories of his hellspawn reason of living in humans' minds, using fear as a weapon. As the modern ages came, Romulus moved to New York and established himself a mansion in which he has a maid for various purposes who is not a vampire but a human whom willingly acts as his maid. Though lately, Romulus has grown bored with the world and the hypocracy of men; men are asking for enslavement? They shall get it. Personality: He is a dark and sadistic vampire. He is friendly to a select few and will do anything to get his way. Being a True and an Elder Vampire, he is powered by Vitae, a True Vampire's life-force and source of magic. Though he is a romantic to pretty women, he WILL kill anyone whom is fat or ugly as to cleanse the world of ugliness. His goals involve enslaving humans for his harem and for torture toys. What family do you belong to: N/A - He is on his own. Power: A Master Illusionist, he can manipulation one's senses into seeing or sensing something else. He also has the classic wizard tricks (Disappearing items, invisiblity of items, levitation, etc) Of course, all of this is powered by Vitae, which is only available to the few "True" vampires which keeps them going and living; to kill a True Vampire you must decapicitate him, or starve him from blood. Unlike other "fake" vampires, he can NOT survive on animal blood, he MUST drink human blood. Vitae keeps him alive and also powers his Magicks. Side: He has no side; he has an agenda to enslave humans in his mansion and use them for various deeds, anyone who gets in his way will be killed or most likely tortured gruesomely. Weapons: [hider= Claw & Bracelet Picture] [img]http://www.fevereon.com/props/bigimages/vegaclaws.jpg[/img] [/hider] A Claw is his primary weapon, with a matching golden bracement with an embedded ruby which is under his left arm sleeve. His black and elegant cane has a hidden blade at the end of it, at the tip of his cane, there are three buttons. The first is to for a killing poison, the other for a torturing, hallucination, and paralyzation poison (all in one) and the last button to remove the poison from the blade. Other: Romulus is Spanish (obviously) and is highly experienced in hand-to-hand combat, approaching him in close combat or up front is suicidal and never should be done unless you have a squad of well equipped people. Romulus uses his magic to "cover" his body to prevent the sun from weakening. This "Sun Shield" is extremely hard to break and can not be broken via normal or elemental means, it must be control of the Arcane directly.