Link smirked as three soldiers advanced on him each of them branding hastily craved wooden swords, with the recent surge of monsters in Hyrule many young men had been pressed in to service by the King. Link was one such conscript, he loosened his grip on his wooden sword as the three soldiers advanced he lunged bashing the first one on the right back with his wooden shield. Then striking the left most soldier with a sword blow to his unprotected leg coming to the last soldier who was bringing down his blade. Link deflected his strike with his shield and struck him in the ribs, hard. Two had been hit and now he face only one remaining, the one he had shield bashed earlier, the last Soldier steeled himself dropping the sword he grabbed a practice spear and rushed forward. Link saw, this he knew this exact attack and he knew how to beat as if he had done it before, he blocked the spear thrust then jumped as soldier spun the spear trying to knock him off his feet coming down Link slammed the practice blade in to the poor mans helmet. The crowd of trainees cheered as Link turned looking at the weapons rack he grabbed a real shield and sword down and did what no one expected him to do. He ran, he ran right out the gate of the of the castle and kept running until he reached Castle Town market. You see Link had not wanted to join the Hyrulian army, he was a farm hand from Ordin village a tiny place nestled in the forest. He had grown up the oldest among the children and the village had given him a tree-house, raising him communally. Having been given a horse on his 16th birthday Link began to make trips between Hyrule and Ordin delivering goods and trading for items in the market. However shortly after his 17th birthday he has conscripted by the King and forced to train to become a soldier. As he entered Castle Town he realized two things, one that today was the holiday of the Hero of Time and two that most of the guards here were busy dealing with thieves and drunks, so he slipped into a market stall. He was happy to find that they sold Hero of Time tunics and hat's, purchasing them he slipped into the next stall, a tanner, buying a pair of leather boots and a pair of gloves to match he lastly checked in with the blacksmith who worked his forge even today. Link and him had known each other since he had begun visiting market town, the blacksmith nodded solemnly and handed Link a bedroll and enough food and water for a week along with another item. A gift from one of the women back home, a long blue scarf at the end of it lay the royal family's crest, he might not like the king but he was a proud Hylian. Throwing it around his neck, Link left Castle town and abandoned the life of a soldier. As night fell on Hyrule field Link shivered, spotting a half standing structure that looked much like a temple he decide to take shelter there for the night. He trudged along reaching it just as the moon rose, he was glad the walls were intacted as he shut the heavy stone door that had carelessly been left open. As he was about to make camp when he noticed a faint light in the temple anti-chamber, slowly he moved forward drawing his sword and shield he turned the corner and was greeted with a sight so amazing he could only stare. There in the center of the room, driven deep in a pedestal was a sword, The Master Sword, a legendary weapon of immense power. Link slowly advanced towards it laying down his sword and shield he decided to pray to the Goddesses as this was one of there holiest symbols. Bowing his head and shutting his eyes he keeled in front of the pedestal praying for a safe journey home.