[center][img=http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk44/freakiepoh/Untitled-2.png][/center] [i]Greetings (........), We are pleased to inform you have been formally invited to Zandore’s School for the Gifted also popularly known as Zandore's Boarding Academy. As you might have heard, Zandore’s School for the Gifted has no age restrictions. We are proud to assure you that you will be unable to find facilities measuring up to our standard anywhere else in the world. Your school fees will be waived and you will even receive a monthly allowance; the amount depending on your performance here. Why have you been granted this opportunity? That is because you are extraordinary. You may or may not have come to realize it but you possess talents beyond common comprehension. It can be even said you are a 1 in 10,000,000 prodigy. If you join us, you will find yourself in a place built specifically to help you succeed along with hundreds of others your age and similarly gifted. Giving up this chance would be a terrible waste of your abilities. We hope you understand the opportunity we are presenting you. Within this letter contains all the pertinent information about Zandore's Boarding Academy and all you need do is to fill in the registry and reply. I look forward to the good news. Sincerely, Zandore the III Headmaster of Zandore’s School for the Gifted[/i] --- [b]Premise[/b] You are one of the recipients who have received the special invitations to Zandore’s Academy. It is famed to be the most unique ‘school’ in the world as well as being a complete enigma. Located east of Chiba, Japan, Zandore’s Academy is supposedly found on an offshore island. It has extraordinarily large grounds and a plethora of facilities. As destiny or fate or maybe your parents had it, you enrolled into the school. Unbeknownst to you, you will be forced into the 'Supernatural Studies' club where you will encounter pleasures and horrors alike. Your story begins as you wait along Yokohama port for the school's private ferry to arrive... --- Mehehe, who's interested? Basically we'll exploring the mysteries of the school as the supernatural studies club. Searching for about 6~10 people before I get the OOC up. The OOC will flesh out the school history a bit more, architecture and contain the available courses as well as how the rules and how the school works. There are only two requirements for people who want to join: 1. Commitment - This will be a multi-arc RP and I don't want people who drop like flies and ruining the fun for everyone. 2. Good writing - No need for page long posts, just something of decent length and is a pleasure to read. Oh, grammar is a must.