@Twistedsun - Accepted. As for resources on the map, see below. @DAWNSTAR - I like some things about this idea. If every RPer just did a little research and found out what resources would be around their current claimed area, it would make trade possible and not restrict freedom too much. I don't think we should have a points/percentage-based system for surveying, as my poor brain probably couldn't deal with it and it might restrict freedom a little. As for lumber camps, etc, I'm not sure how that could be done. Of course, it is fine to roleplay the construction of a lumber camp - and in war, if you specifically state you destroy an enemy's lumber camp, they would have less access to wood. As a representation on the map or the keeping track of who has built what, I'm not sure it could be done. But, perhaps, we could have 'fortress' territories which are built over the course of a number of IC pages and give defensive boosts to the units in that territory. @Kinkaz - Accepted @Zambza - Acepted I'll try to get a map up with everyone's claimed land so far on it later today GMT. Keep making those nation sheets :D