"Watch your tongue, assassin." Corvus growled, stepping forwards a couple of steps. His leather boots traipsed softly on the wooden floors, the long steel sword getting ever closer to the girl on the bed. "You have no right to judge another the way you did so tonight. I don't care what he did to you, but law has its due place and process. You have broken that law - you better have a damn good reason for it" Years of training with the Khans had hardened Corvus. He did not feel an ounce of pity as he threatened this quivering, frightened elf. He had a total advantage over her. He knew it, she knew it, the bugs in the walls knew it. "And just what are you planning on doing with that miserable butter-knife?" He added spitefully, punching his armour with his spare hand to emphasise the point. It clinked softly as bands of steel and iron clashed between layers of leather. "You won't do any damage with that. So put it down and explain yourself - now!"