Rarity! :D Glad to have you back with us ^^ Hope you're doing better :) Glad you liked the posts ^^ just in case I didn't make it clear in my posts! The location of your characters stands at Remy and Rena are off patrolling the borders, Olivia is somewhere in the house it wasn't specified what she was up to, just assumed doing little jobs here and there. Lloyd is resting. (I don't mind handing Lloyd back over to you if you would like ^^ Or I can keep a hold of him or share whichever is easiet and most comfortable for you ^^) I have not started writing up a post, terribly sorry! I had a really busy weekend and assignments are still coming out of my ears T_T I shall get onto that though asap! Erm just thought I'd say, I'm not convinced a TS would flow right though could understand how it would seem feasible. Just an idea, but I could in my next post word it that Mercy has already checked Chris over and advises her to stay put. That way it would solve that issue for the moment, could spin it that they leave the two alone and go back downstairs leaving them out of the interaction zone and we could go from there? It could easily be worded that Tony and Chris left at a slightly later date. It wouldn't leave as many holes in the story line and we wouldn't be skipping over some valuable talks/interactions? By the way Rarity what did you think of this [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1985071] plan? [/url] Would it be something worth running or would you prefer to leave it and get things back on track? It was thought up as a fun thing to do that wouldn't drastically change anything ^^' So understand if you'd rather skip over it or change it <.<' These are the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2088402] bad guys [/url] ^^ though you probably already saw all of this >.<' just putting easy links in one place? ^^' Good to hear from you M.C :D Thanks for letting us know, hope they don't keep your PC for much longer o.o Can imagine it being difficult to work without it :( On the subject of adding people, I'm not sure we really need to at the moment? Where our characters are in the IC is an awkward place for new characters to join anyway >.> Maybe see how things go once everyone is back? ^^' Oh and -hands Rarity back the GM hat- ^^ Sorry if anything went wrong <.<' Also, apologies for taking that extra day out o.o I didn't really have a choice on the matter ^^'