The ending moments of the mission were panicky and hectic. So many things whizzing by, shouts, screams and gunshots. It was just a mess. If his mind wasn't an exhausted pile of shit, he'd reprimand the one who said to kill it instead of capture it, but he was exhausted. And his brain was a pile of shit. So his judgement wasn't exactly good. When they were transporting the Djinn, Will heard the familiar scurrying of feet trademark of ghouls and lots of them. If Luc hadn't called out, he would have yelled the same thing. But as he got out his shotgun and Vibroblade, he saw one of the prototypes he'd heard about. An Anthroid. He nodded in thanks, mainly to himself, before boarding the Little Lady and flying home...Home. He pondered it for the flight. Was his home the base, now? It'd been his home for several months. No. His true home was in England, with his mum and dad. After all of this...He'd go home...Finally to see his dear old mother. A warmness spread in him as he thought of home and family. That's right. He'd come home when this was all over. When the war finished...He was snapped out of his thoughts as the Little Lady landed, and the feint ghost of a smile left his lips. He left the ship and took off his helmet, entering the huge metallic doors into base. With a sigh, he went to the gym and started working on the treadmills before he was notified of a promotion. He attended the ceremony and then went back to the treadmills, working out, ever so silent, thoughts of home fueling his legs to keep on running. Keep on running...