Unnoticed by anyone the two familiars who depleted their mana reserves retreated back into the shadow, however that was not for protection but to return to their master and father Omega, who at the time still kept the spirits at bay despite the appearance of the trio short after the familiars returned to his side. Omega looked at the people before him, he had time, a lot of time, after all he was no longer in the world of man, the “gate” which appeared along with him just before thanks to the Mega-Demesne, made a boundary, it created a sort of portal or space where the realm of spirits appeared or could be traversed to. No wonder so many spirits appeared when he didn’t call, they just came to meet their master, the one who treated them more than just companions, more than equals, he treated them as family, something you can’t do unless you are no longer wholly human. Time passed differently for Omega now, it slowed, the realm accommodated for the myriad of spirits who wanted to interact with the sage, after all this realm was part of him as he was part of it, so he understood the will but also knew just how dangerous this place could be for those it turned its back to… even to Omega himself. The sage looked at what was going on in the realm of man calmly, he saw Jonathan kneeling, seemingly out of power but also a different feeling wailed up in Omega, he somehow knew Jonathan was struggling inside, but should manage, that is what the sage believed, he trusted Jonathan as he observed him for a long time even before they met. This however was not the time to debate the internal turmoil or problems of his friend. Omega himself had to go back to the mindset he had so many years ago when he took lives of many, yes, he became the assassin again, once more to deal with those that crossed him. Once the grenade was in the air, releasing the alternating pulses of light and shadow, Omega just looked at it, time was slowed for him enough that what he saw didn’t disrupt his concentration, though normally it would as he was still a mage. The sage turned his cloak off, it not only hid his magic but dubbed as a limiter, so he wouldn’t use half of it. Now he redirected his power elsewhere. [i]“Link established.”[/i] a duo of voices confirmed in his mind, the transfer of his power to his familiars cores begun while in his mind he already had an appropriate blueprint prepared, which both cores would materialize. [hider=Cerberus] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/166/a/e/Gungrave_Guns_by_Aeon2.jpg[/img][/hider] Unknown to Omega his appearance also changed, his body was enveloped by something else than the materialization process of the guns. One of the spirits, Grave as he called himself on the rare occasions he spoke, linked with the guns, whether it was by design or on his whim, he empowered Omega with his gun wielding abilities and skills, the sage accepted this as it seemed there was a strange bond between what he created and his contractees. Omega’s appearance changed ever so slightly his coat shifted and changed shape, his hood molded into his mask, which also changed its form, tightly enveloping the sages head, a different pattern on the front. [hider=Grave mode] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1083961-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/hider] Omega targeted the pulse grenade Waiting for it to emit a dark pulse and he shot, the bullet would hit the device as it emitted light so as it got destroyed the shadows would grow longer enveloping each person’s shadow, thus creating a brief link with Omega’s gate. Who in turn exploited it by smuggling a little tracking shade, neither a magitech device nor a familiar, but both at the same time, into the shadows of Li and the enemy martial artist, though the sage debated putting one into the person using pistols as well, but decided against it. The reason was that too many would get noticed no matter how well they were designed to be hidden. Still he also put a decoy, into the shadow of the young man, this one was special, it was designed to be found as it seemed the target knew otherness magic. This should divert their attention from the other ones, if not there were other ways to track someone especially if Omega knows the wavelength. Omega wouldn’t or rather couldn’t follow with timespace, after all he was technically in another dimension than the others, this however allowed him to get shoot aimed shots at the enemies, this time instead of the round he used before, which was a HEAP or rather a High Explosive Armor Piercing round, but a more CC type one. These ones were charged with paralysis, root and chain magics, that is non-lethal electricity charge, freezing and Omegas shadow bind spell. With the help of Grave and firing from within the gate gave the bullets a much higher velocity than normally, not to mention more than enough time to aim even with Grave’s godlike marksman skills.