Kerri just looked at Drake when Karen asked about what Drake was, realizing that Kerri wanted him to answer that question for himself. "You would be right in assuming I am not a witch, but I will and have always played an important part of things with in the family - I am a teacher, a guide of sorts - sent from the Elders to watch over witches - the actual term for what I am is 'WhiteLighter' or 'Guardian Angel'. It was good that that the girls, or most of them - seemed to be taking this in readily but at the same time also on edge, which to Drake; was understandable. This was a life changing event and one that could not be undone. "Kerri" Drake began, looking at the clock above the attic door. "The first guests will be here soon - maybe a [i]practical[/i] demonstration of what is possible would be good about now? Kerri caught the tone of Drakes voice, remembering the garden was still a mess from the demon attack, fortunately it was only a small attack and the house was under a ward to prevent the neighbors noticing the not so private magical moments (explosions, vanquishes etc) so a quick clean up spell would not do any harm. Drake, meanwhile continued talking to the girls. "While magic is a very helpful and powerful tool - it must also only be used in acts that do not grant personal gain, such as wealth, money or advancing in ones career etc. Any questions?"