Octavius raised his mug as well. Clearly he didn't know whom he was dealing with yet, as even pride didn't make you irresponsible. That's what her old crew had called anyone who tried to beat her in a drinking contest. Luckily, this crew was unfamiliar with her. "I'm not joining in on a contest..." Ace spoke, looking around the group. Everyone but two seemed to be a push over. He knew Ceres' capabilities already, and Octavius could probably old his own as well. So he opted out of this one. Several other men decided to join in as well, thinking this single girl had no chance against half a dozen guys. Even if she was good, she couldn't be better than all of them. But how wrong they were. Ceres grinned widely, and quickly filled her mug for a second helping. Him and Octavius were on even footing, so there was no unfairness going on any more. And everyone but Ceres and Octavius took quite a bit of time to down each mug. At least 20 seconds. While Octavius and Ceres seemed to down them in a mere 7 at most. Both had 3 now, but neither was even close to slowing down. "It's a bit of a shame that drinking like this takes away the suspense, but it would otherwise take too long." The woman mused as she refilled for a fourth time. "I'll make a little prediction. I bet I'll still be able to stand after 15~"