"There is no need to shout, I think you've established your dominance in this situation, buddy" she growls, throwing the dagger to the floor by his feet. Her demeanor suddenly changed. She was certainly scared at first, though never quite showed to be this quivering, frightened little half-elf. She was more out of her element, a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar, with no escape out of the kitchen. What she showed now was certainly discontent, but she had grown tired of being treated like a child, and some petty criminal ... if he only knew ... "I'm sure the elf was quite irritating to him. Not many elves are much else, my own life was threatened by them. But that man was a bully, and I don't like bullies. Not to mention what judgement would he had received? hm? He was quite content going back to his drinking after he beat the life out of that elf. I only did to him what he deserved. There is a saying, what you put out into this world, you get back upon you ten times over.". Standing before him, she began to snicker quietly, walking towards his sword. "Are you here to deliver my judgement then?", her lips curl into a slight smirk. She just couldn't help herself. Possibly staring death right in the face and all she could do was laugh. "Had I my sword, we would have a proper fight, but as you can see I am without it. So if you're going to kill me, get it done with already. I answered your question, what more do you want?"