Floor fifty. How Lilly did not expect to get to this point in the game. Here, and now, she was a well known blacksmith and a decent player, and was often contracted for farming parties or work on equipment, but she still didn't have a guild. Her contacts list was long, and her purse was full, but she never really felt like she had found the right guild. And now she was here, listening to people trying to work out a plan to fight bosses they had no idea about and shouting when someone came up with a terrible plan. Then, while the plan was still coming together, someone grumbled 'I agree' even though there really wasn't anything right now to agree to, other than the stew at one of the inns being much worse than any other inn. So, Lilly looked up to see who was agreeing to nothing, and saw a face she hadn't seen in a long time. Not sure if she wanted to hug Bachus or punch him, she walked over, her armour clanking away as usual. "Well, fancy seeing you here, out of your Brooding Cave. I am shocked" she told Bachus, not loudly to draw attention, but enough that he could hear her. "So, what'cha doing, walking around in the daylight, being seen amongst people?" she teased, smiling softly at Bachus.