Delilah raised an eyebrow as she was approached by someone who was either a hero or someone with a strange taste in fashion. "If you knew my mother you'd know we don't wear masks" she replied with casual wit which came from her mothers side. "As for my speed, discipline and practice I suppose" she said before she walked over to her bike, sliding the key into the ignition. A couple of police walked by, regarding both heroes which prompted Delilah to talk, "Three bad guys, you should find them knocked out inside. There all yours" she said causing the officers to slowly nod albeit a bit confused, "I.. uh... thanks" he replied before looking to the other officer as they walked away, "Don't you have a kid her age?" he asked, faintly audibly as they moved inside to secure the bank robbers. Delilah watched them go before turning her attention back to the guy who had yet to introduce himself, "So you seem to have me at a disadvantage, you know something about me but I know nothing about you?" she said before leaning back against her bike, folding her arms casually as she awaited his reply.