"No, Donovan. I'm still a man." Coriander giggled a bit as he answered the younger man. The meeting had not yet started so everyone was "mingling" to say the least. Unfortunately that meant some of the others constantly trying to figure if Cori was lying about his gender. A phenomenal beauty among women and an anomaly among men, Coriander held respect amongst the resistance whilst arguably holding their gaze upon his feminine aspects. A smile etched on his face for his teammates to see and believe in. It was hard to find happiness with the Empire breathing down everyone's neck. The room seemed to quiet as Ace and Shizuka entered. A meeting called by Ace himself so it must have been more important then anyone could have thought. Cori only hoped Ace would be providing good news. Good news came at a rather hefty price with Ace's words. He spoke on a raid against one of the many factories that allowed the Empire to harness such darkness.Yet Ace had no true plan. Yes there are many victories held through the means that he spoke upon but, the Unbound Hearts did not have the same level of force that the Empire held. Coriander, Ace, and a few others couldn't be a trump card all the time. Many of the members seemed a bit uneasy by the idea and Cori could agree to an extent. Fear had not reached his mind on the subject, rather he didn't want anyone to die in a fool's raid. Words weren't mustered before another individual spoke up against Ace's plan. She was more rigid in her words and held nothing back. Cori waited till the woman was finished talking, jumping up to speak on the matter as-well. "It's nice to see such lively comrades that still exist." Members stared at their gender-bending superior; a wide sigh of relief at someone they knew complimenting Rika. "I understand where she is coming from and I agree that we should let her be the infiltrator. She was able to score the disk then I trust her to succeed." Cori averted his eyes to Rika while warmly commenting, "Unless you vouch for her, Ace then I think someone should go with her. I mean no offense. Trust is hard these days." A hand placed on his hip, blue/purple hair hanging so freely down his back, and the most attractive smile give only give me credence to his very womanly looks.