April 9th, 2022 Meanwhile once the operatives were having downtime, the discoveries of the mysterious material made quite the excitement between science and engineering departments. Head Engineer Dr. Quincy was the first to make a suggestion and she smiled with confidence. "This can be used to augment our troopers. Sure our Anthroids can perform amazing feats, but the WREC trooper program has just as amazing potential. They would complement each other very well!" Head Scientist Dr. Semyenov suggested another idea with, "The human troops make a majority of our forces and it would be wise to augment their genetics. With the material, we can incorporate the most desirable traits of our enemies and put them in our troops. It would also serve some poetic justice to turn the enemy's abilities against them!" Center was intrigued with the possibilities. "I'm sure you two would agree on a name for the material we recovered. I suggest calling it 'CLAM' for Creative Life Application Material." Both Dr. Semyenov and Dr. Quincy readily agreed. The WREC trooper and Splice soldier programs were officially up and running. One day later in the labs, the scientists were studying the captive Djinn. The Djinn felt undignified and attempted to escape the containment facility. Probes and other interrogation techniques were used for especially the defiant subjects. The Djinn was at first mocking the human scientists for their methods. "You call that breaking my limbs?!? You squishy humans can't break limbs if your l---AAH MY ARMS!" Through unpleasant and needed methods, the Djinn was able to yield more information, especially about the enemies' new plans and a few extra information that was gleaned. The gleaned information pertained to his weapons and armor, which would put the paranormal alloys to good use. The alloys in particular were by weight twice as tough as titanium at only half the weight. The super-alloy would be deployed in not just improved armor, but also weapons programs. The Djinn's fate was condemned as a prisoner of war and was powerless to escape for now. A scientist reported the findings to Dr. Semyenov. "Though it was less than savory, we got some useful information from our captive." Dr. Semyenov nodded. "Let's put them to good use!" Study regarding the Djinn's sword and ranged weapon begun a short time after the interrogation was done.