[b]Name:[/b] Evelyn 'Eve' Nevea [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homo/Heteroflexible [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Eve][img=http://i.imgur.com/paZ7qLa.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Eve is the direct result of what happens when an already lazy and introspective person takes a philosophy class too seriously. An exposure to, and appreciation of Nihilism, Epicureanism, and Hedonism have greatly influenced Eve's outlook and approach to life. Her priorities have changed from those of the average late high schooler, to those concerning her own pleasure in the now. This, and her general apathy toward institutions she doesn't see as providing pleasure, led to her inevitable dropping out of school. While not particularly inspired to preform well in school, she does have several interests, including music and film, and she is a gifted conversationalist. Despite being a 'Burnout' Eve is able to discuss most anything with an intellectual fervor, ranging from world history and politics, to cartoons and which drugs go best with them. She has a chill and laid back aura about her that seems so thick that at times her mere presence can slow down a room; while her capricious and unpredictable attitude can speed it right back up. In short, Eve is something of a cross between a beatnik, a stoner, and a hippie. Not quite a "rebel without a cause," in that she is aware of plenty of causes, she's simply too lazy and generally uninspired to do something to enact serious change. [b]History:[/b] Born to a French-Cuban mother and Spanish father, Eve is actually a native of the Catalonia region of Spain. She was born out of wed-lock and spent the majority of her young life not knowing what the concept of father even meant, or that she even had one. Her mother was of little means, but did all she could to provide Eve with a healthy, carefree and loving environment, greatly influencing the person Eve would become. She had no real permanence present in her life beside her mother, and as such, the two became inseparably close, as her mother went from city to city, from job to job, Eve followed going from school to school, never staying a particular location much longer than a year. Evelyn had been old enough (at the age of 14) to know that her mother had been using online dating to substitute for her lack of a real love life, so when she received the news that they would be going to the United States to stay with the boyfriend her mother had met online she wasn't very surprised. She was surprised, however, when 3 months later they announced their marriage plans. It wasn't the change of countries that surprised her, it was the introduction of two male figures in her life, a brother and father. These changes, her general attitude, and the shift from Spanish education to American could all be considered the reason that, three years later, at the age of 17, she dropped out of High School and went the route of GED (which took her a year to get). She has a perfect relationship with her mother, is on god terms with her step-father and considers her step brother her best friend. While currently enrolled in a shitty community college, she wasn't supposed to be able to go on this trip-- it was intended as a reward for her step-brother-- but through lies told to her parents and an illicitly obtained buddy pass, she finds herself going anyway. [b]Room Preference:[/b] 3 [b]Relations:[/b] [list][*][i]David Nevea-Holly[/i] - Considers him to be her best friend, soul brother, and apprentice to all she knows. She sees him as much more than a mere step-brother. Being around him gives her something of a paternal confidence, although she can be rather forceful with him. Affectionately known as "Davy."[/*] [*][i]Jenny "Jiyeon" Miller[/i] - Friend, may hold romantic feelings toward[/*] [*][i]Richard Miller[/i] - Friend[/*] [*][i]Hailey Rhodes[/i] - Friend/artistic fan[/*] [*][i]Anna Calloway[/i] - Good friend[/*][/list] --- [b]Name:[/b] David Nevea-Holly [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual (confused) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=David][img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kAvMWvgLNIM/TrrPSGQjfbI/AAAAAAAACC0/IjVhspyUUSM/s1600/lopechri.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] David is a passive and quiet individual, although capable of shedding these traits around someone he is comfortable with, his snarky outlooks generally push people away. As a result, he suffers from an extreme lack of self-confidence, has a very low opinion of himself, and generally does whatever is asked of him. His day-to-day personality is meek, insecure, and indecisive, shaped by his constant fear of being hurt by his relationships with others. Although this is the only way he can cope when dealing with people, it hinders his interactions with his family and and his schoolmates. With loneliness, comes an appreciation of introspection and activities that don't require company. David, as a result is extremely studious and well-read, even graduating a year early, although he is very socially maladjusted. [b]History:[/b] David's turn to mental and social isolationism began with the death of his mother at the tender age of 7. While he wasn't present for the car accident that put her into critical condition, he was by her bedside for the moment of her death, with the mere image of her on her deathbed being a regularly occurring nightmare for him. After her death, his father, already something of a drinker, retreated into full alcoholism for a number of years, getting so bad at one point that David needed to be placed under the care of his Grandmother while his father attended a full rehabilitation program. During this time, David found himself retreating into schoolwork, studying and fictional mediums of entertainment. David, at the age of 9, legally adopted his mother's last name. When he was 10 he was returned to life with his father, and while both were resigned around each other, there was a mutual love. It wasn't until he was 12, however, when he first showed signs of breaking out of might very well have been a clinical depression. His step-mother gave him a mother figure he could bond with, and Eve, his step-sister, a person who he could call a friend and protector, even. His already phenomenal performance has increased, to the point he was able to graduate a year early, this trip to Rio is his reward for that accomplishment. [b]Room Preference:[/b] 4 [b]Relations:[/b] [list][*][i]Evelyn Nevea[/i] - His step-sister, he considers her a close confidant and friend. While he does appreciate her, he cant understand what she sees in him and is prone to thinking her "overbearing big sister thing" is more of an act than anything else. Depending on his mood, being around her either increases his confidence or allows him to fall even deeper into his passive attitude.[/*] [*][i]Thomas Attison[/i] - Intellectual rival[/*] [*][i]Hailey Rhodes[/i] - Known through Evelyn, on good terms[/*] [*][i]Anna Calloway[/i] - Known through Evelyn[/*] [*][i]Jenny "Jiyeon" Miller[/i] - Something of a friend, known through Evelyn, seen regularly[/*] [*][i]Richard Miller[/i] - Something of a friend, known through Evelyn, seen regularly[/*][/list]