Yahtzee sat with his back against the rocks of the valley wall and took the rations gratefully and tore into it quietly. Despite his overwhelming enthusiasm with regards to the edibles he still made an effort to leave at least half for Salamander. The dragon was lying next to him watching all the members of the group with a concentration. During the travel over here he had had to put in most of the effort in getting Yahtzee back however about halfway Yahtzee had been back to his old energetic self and had began running along with the others laughing all the way. A decision he now regretted as his legs and throat both ached from the use but the act of eating helped. A lot. "So that was... entertaining." He said after a while smiling at everyone. "Certainly surprising. Does that kind of thing happen a lot? You know, life and death glorious battles?" He tried breaking the tension with a small smile and just then Will arrived with Gilfred and he sighed with relief. At least they were safe and he that little worrying voice in his mind could shut up. Salamander also wondered over and sniffed Wills legs for a moment but headed back when Will collapsed on the ground. The dragon blinked at the fallen figure and gave a derisive snort before heading back to Yahtzee. Getting to his feet Yahtzee began to start heading deeper into the valley with Salamander close behind. "I'm going to go exploring." He called out over his shoulder as he walked. "I won't be gone long or anything." The valley wasn't as interesting as he had at first thought though. It was mostly barren and empty with only the toughest and most boring of plants growing in patches from rocks. After a while though Yahtzee found a small plateau and sat down again with his legs crossed and closed his eyes. It almost appeared as though he was meditating and in a sense he was but it was only to the barest minimum but it served a purpose. [I]Something troubles you.[/I] A voice that sounded of a hundred fires echoed in his mind. Salamander's mental voice. "Not really." Yahtzee said aloud. "I just thought maybe you had advice. Everything seems so dangerous. I was safer alone wasn't I?" [I]No.[/I] "Oh well that simplifies things then. So I'm doing the right thing? Sticking with the group?" [I]Alex, these questions tire me. You are with them for a reason. Don't be foolish and leave. It will result in an inevitable end for all one way or another.[/I] Yahtzee's eyes opened as he lost concentration at the sound of his old name. "I'm Alex. I forget that sometimes." He said mildly as he got to his feet looking at the small dragon who returned his gaze by blowing out a small gout of smoke. "Heh. Can't fault that logic." He said as he started walking back to the group. "Glad we had this talk. Lazy dragon." He reached the group and smiled. "Just more nothing." He said cheerfully. "Boring and barren. My kind a place."