No AI's? What if the AI isn't linked to the ship and is stuck in its own body? Like this: [hider=Deka] Name: Deka Age: 19 Gender: Male [url=]Appearance[/url] His height is around 5'7". Also minus the bombs. Personality: A sensible and shrewd AI, Deka is, expectedly so being an intel source, intelligent and can offer valuable advice... if he feels like it, that is. More often than not, Deka acts a mix of sass and playfulness, usually making sarcastic comments and remarks. Despite being sassy, however, he is protective over his crewmates and would not flee if he was able to help any one of the crew in danger. Of course, he wouldn't do so without planning ahead. He is also quite adventurous and enjoys challenges, liking the freedom he has, not being bound by limitations of what a usual robot has. Skills: With his expertise in computer systems and networks, combined with top of the line hacking equipment, Deka is capable of hacking into networks owned by top militaries, albeit with great difficulty. In fact, he has already set up spyware into many minor factions' databases in order to monitor their movement and acquire information. Deka has little to no experience in any sort of physical combat, so he's completely useless when it comes to fighting with weapons and is only good for giving support by finding intel about the enemy. Equipment: Most of Deka's notable equipment are built into his head; a scanner that can identify any object as long as data has been logged previously, a red, low intensity flashlight above his eye, several types of vision (normal, infrared, night, enhanced zoom), and a HUD that is mostly used when hacking. The only important pieces of equipment in the rest of his body are a portable hacking device built into his chest piece and a battery which can last several days. He also has a powerful hacking terminal which he regularly uses while on the ship, capable of storing great amounts of data and is connected to a private network he uses to collect information. Brief Backstory: The successful result of a group of scientists' tenth attempt in creating a self-aware AI. The scientists celebrated for their success, but feared the possibilities of what this AI can become under the wrong hand. With this in mind, they took the precaution of making a program which would build a firewall around the AI's data to block any attempt of changing or manipulating the AI's will. Unfortunately, this program needed at least a few decades and the scientists have already gotten too old to last until the completion of the firewall. So they left it and hoped that whoever finds the lab would enter with good intentions. Decades later, 2326, treasure hunters find the run down lab, activating the AI. Seeing as he could be a great asset, the treasure hunters makes him a member of their team, naming him "Deka," after being the tenth model. For the next sixteen years, Deka travels with this hunting group as their intel gatherer, but leaves as it is soon disbanded due to rivalries and disagreements. Three years later, after being a wandering mercenary for hire, he finds the pirate captain Yuriko and sees her ambition to be an interesting and worthy challenge, so he requests to join her crew. Position in Crew: Intelligence Source [/hider] And sorry for taking too long.