Niks blinked when the humanoid spoke and introduced herself. Out of what he thought could happen, her introduction was not listed among it. However, now that she offered her name, it would be a bad manner for him not to reply in kind. He eyed the shorter, bright haired humanoid, noticing that she was tensing nervously. Now that he was closer, he can look at Evvie better in the dimly lit place. She looked dirty, but if her draconian feature was not an accessory, then it's likely that she's a healthy and strong person, on top of that, she wasn't wearing much. Niks smiled inwardly, for once, he might not be in too much of a disadvantage, he had met with one too many heavily armored knights where his miasma would serve no better other than a distraction. "Greetings...Effie," he returned with the orc's gurgling voice. " Niks. Were you... the one who fell....earlier?"