[quote=mattmanganon]Actually, I was hoping to play as my crew from Star Trek Online aboard their Scimitar, the R.R.W. Seleya. See, their Scimitar is nerfed, somewhat as: 1) No Thalaron Emitters (Their insta-death weapon. That one is pretty much a no-brainer as Thalaron based weapons are highly illegal in the Romulan Republic. And, even if it wasn't, that thing is of no threat to any ship anyway, seeing as it requires the ship to drop cloak, then sit motionless for a full 10 minutes, feeding all power to the Thalaron emitters. Meaning that any attempt to use the weapon would just end in them getting the shit shot out of them and getting them, in all likelyhood, easily destroyed.) 2) Firing under cloak is not as awesome as it seems (Yes, they can fire under cloak, but since their cloak is essentially a "best guess" immitation of Shinzons perfect cloak, firing under cloak destabilizes the cloaking field forcing it to drop several seconds later and requiring at least 5 minutes to re-calibrate in order to get it back. Meaning that it's only real combat purpose is to get the jump on their opponent. And, unlike Scimitar, Seleya's cloak isn't perfect, it does give off tachyon emittions, like other cloaks. And, being that they will need the cloak in the even they should need to run, it's probably a better idea for them to just manually drop cloak before firing, so they can cloak again at will, rather than having to get their redshirts to recalibrate the sucker.)[/quote] If that's the case then you're going to have to find equipment stats for you warbird. I agree with hamoflage that nemesis scimitar is op but if you are playing a watered down version (no thalaron weapon and imperfect cloak) then this makes it more fair though the scimitar is still a tanky ship with a lot of fire power on another note, what rank are you in STO, must be pretty high to have a scimitar, almost makes me want to go back and play my vice admiral for a while