Three more hard strikes didn't seem to do any more to loosen the lock. "Thanks." He called back. He really didn't want any teacher catching him at this. Damaging school property? That could get him expelled, but he was sure there was someone in there. After a forth strike proved to do nothing, he took the extinguisher in both hands and stabbed it with all his might at the middle, beating in the door and forming an opening around the edge. He put the fire extinguisher on the ground and squeezed his head into the small opening he'd created. "This ain't no normal locker." He said, his voice a muffled echo from with. "There's all sorts of doodads in here, like a big ol' metal arm and-" there's a spraying sound and Jim starts coughing as some sort of gas seeps from the hole. "Some sorta sprayer. Might be a poison or somethin'." He pulled his head from the opening, still hacking and waving a hand in front of his face. "But if someone was pulled in there they're long gone." He says, taking a deep breath.