After a long day of cracking thug's ribs, thwarting some bank heists, and defeating a would be super villain, who's most super feature was that he had lots of guns (which did him a lot of good after his hands were broken), Luke drives his rather crappy junker of a car down a highway, on his route to the cords he had gotten from the new batman. "So the old bat is calling me to show up at some shindig eh? Man, times must be desperate.....the JL calling me up..." He says, as the radio begins to spit out some news garble as he started to tune it, looking for music. "Super heroes have been more active, as villain attacks are beginning to drop. Is this the start of a better ti-" Buzz buzz, static static. "I think that those yellow bellied super freaks need to leave, because they need to get the message that the wo-" is all the radio got out, before Luke's rather powerful fist smashes the radio into the console slightly, shutting it off. This was the way it had to be turned off lately, as the knob for the volume has broken off. "I swear, those people who think the world is better off without heroes, have never been saved by one themselves. Maybe they'd rethink their tones after being nearly killed by someone like the joker, or toyman." Luke grumbles, before snuffing out his cigar in the ashtray of his car. From there, he drove to where ever the coordinates would lead him, but on his way there, he stops at a fast food place to get some food. He hadn't ate in a good 6 hours sense the road trip started, and was famished....just in time to see some punk try to sell some kids some sort of drug. Seeing this, the Luchador does what he does best. He gets out of his car, and grabs a near by trash can, and throws it into the drug dealer's face, not only sending the dealer flying, but the kids scrambling away, scared of the 6 foot tall, walking wall of a man that seems to be walking towards them. As the drug dealer scrambled to get his gun from inside his belt, and Luke grabs him by the legs, spins him around a few times, and throws him into a dumpster, where a loud, sickening crack of the dealer's back can be heard. "AAAHHHHHHHH! back...Help...I can't...feel my legs....." The man says, holding his spine where it was badly dislocated. The Luchador then pulls out his phone, and dials for the local police to come pick the scum up, as he drives away, with a rather large meal to boot, making sure he's set for the rest of the trip......