• Name: Erik Huldstone • Gender: Male • Age: 254 years. • Race: Rath'kar • Appearance: 9'11" 312lbs. [url=http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/251930/Gaarg.jpg] [url=http://image.naldzgraphics.net/2011/10/22-metallic-mask.jpg] • Gear & Possessions: Erik has his mask that he made oh so many years ago. His armor is a light steel chainmail mixed with hides from animals. His weaponry is a long-handled ash spear, the tip also steel. He has a sword, a curved bladed weapon made for slicing and hacking (Scimitar), not for stabbing; this is made from Darrion forged steel, the blade itself having a wavy pattern. He possesses a large wooden shield, just in case of emergencies. He has a whip, the length of the weapon covered in thorns and spikes. His armor and weaponry are rather plain, nothing is standout about them. Erik's most prized possession is his wyvern, Iron Tooth. Iron Tooth is 10 meters long, with a wingspan of about 12 meters. His venom comes from a poisonous tail, looking similar to a scorpion's. [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111011051014/monsterhunter/images/b/be/MH3G-Pink_Rathian.png] • Skills & Abilities: Erik is a skilled wyvern handler, as well as a skilled warrior in the field of battle. He wields his spear or whip while riding his wyvern, and his sword and shield if on the ground. He has no other useful skills other than fighting, cooking, and tending to his and his mount's wounds. He isn't very social, but he is civil. He understands beasts, but he prefers to keep to his own. He is a mercenary, first and foremost. Unfit for social niceties, Erik trains alone when not on a mission. • Personality: Normally Erik keeps to his only friend, Iron Tooth. His only other friends would be the trader in town whom he buys supplies off of. Erik is not what you would call a social person. He wears his mask often, and replies to questions with noncommittal grunts, or shakes and nods form his head. He is a simple man, not living in luxury, but not living in poverty. He has acknowledged that aside from his great beast, he is not a very interesting or exciting man. Recently, Erik has begun to seek out the comforts of another person, whoever that might be. Perhaps all of the years alone have finally gotten to him, and he requires a friend. Or perhaps he is just looking for more work. Erik believes that he may need a friend. • History: Erik was born and raised in the army. His father was in the army, and his grandfather was in the great war. All he knows is war. When he reached adulthood, after carving his mask, he showed great aptitude in fighting with the spear. His father was a wyvern-rider as well, and had instructed him in the art of riding a beast. Of course, it was more difficult than it sounded, but what did Erik have if not patience? His kind far outlived humans, and in a few years. he had mastered his own beast. He attached himself to a small company of skirmishers and scouts, and has been keeping the immediate area outside Crimson Keep safe ever since then.