[b]AVAE[/B] " I see you. " She slowly walked from corner to corner, watching stray animals that were abandoned by there owners. Watching as these homeless walk by with there heads down and filled with sorrow. She viewed of how much changed of this planet, dreadful. The time of heroes were a great period but they didn't seem to fix all the world problems. She moved on forward, walking in many directions with nothing much to do but a remnant of the past heroes. She looked around, stopping as she saw a man, seemingly relaxed, though seeing him grabbing a cigar, and after those few moments he began attacking a pedestrian of some sort. ' A villian? ' she thought using those labels the government told her to use. She stepped forward, though as soon as she walked closer to the man he had already drove off. Frowning, " Trash. " She states, crouching down, charging her legs and thus she dashed off, leaving a small crater from were she launched off and as she accelerated into the sky she began following the mans car. Jumping from building to building, trying to distrubt the world, trying not to come in contact with anything that could hurt her. Watching for gaps from were shes jumping. After a few minutes, jumping from corner to corner she finally stopped a few buildings ahead of the man and thus she jumped down, dashing towards the car with great velocity and thus her fists landed into the front of the car, flipping the car over as it hit a nearby building. Standing there, still infront of the mans wrecked car. Her bright blue, robotic eyes and her blue hair flowing in the air.