Anya continued staring at her father, eyes full of curiosity, but she knew that if her papa was sure it was about accounting, then the book was about accounting. And accounting was really boring, even if it was a minotaur accountant. "It's OK, papa. I just wanted to make sure you were sure. I know you'd never lie to me," said Anya, walking up to her father who was still cleaning blood off the ground and hugging him, "So you don't need to give me candy, because I know." Anya still loved candy, however, and wanted to make sure her papa knew that she didn't mind if he gave her some anyways. "But if you still wanted to give me the candy, I wouldn't mind. I've been pretty good except for maybe spilling some things and making some art in mister Elric's study. And it was good art too, so that wasn't even bad."