[quote=drallinix] I couldn't your on your hands upside down turning your hips for a kick. Blocking is out of the question seeing as you have nothing to block with, and your position. Dodging I don't see being a valid option considering your upside down and doing the splits. Im as stumped as you are for a way, admittedly I have never done capoeira which is where i'm assuming that kick is from. I have done laido, Shotokan karate, and taekwondo. I apologize if im coming across as an asshole, but I saw an opening and went for it. This is a tournament for the gods so im assuming your god wouldn't let you die even from that grievous wound, and that youd just be taken into their domain to heal for a while then return. [/quote] Yep capoeira, your right about that. I don't want to use his powers to save him because it would be god moding, and severing his soul from that part of his body would be useless any way. That was a quick fight.