[First Post] Jarvis Pentaphraxis Stats: Assets 2 / Power 0 / Production 2 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 [center][i]Narrative Notes for Familial Posterity[/i][/center] I had expected nothing less. Obstinate, waffling officials who could not provide no more than token effort towards a solution. They throughout history have acted as a gripping morass, pulling those with innovation in their minds into their depths of mediocrity. I was prepared for my proposition to have been defeated. Failure would only have meant I would get my way later rather than sooner, and under a different guise. Just as with young kittens who refuse to drink milk from a plate, these councilors would have to be shoved face-first into the drink until they realized that what I offered was in fact good for them. The doting old lord retained enough economic sense and large scope view of society to see how it would benefit the general populace. So much so as to overlook the twelve hour work day which I had expected him to voice protest to first - merely as bait for concession so as to keep more important components untouched. Not only did he not bite, he accepted the entire package without so much as a complaint. Kathy voiced her support quickly and enthusiastically, which revealed much more than she suspected. With those such as her, a certain degree of unpredictability has to be accounted for. Given her clear economic and social standpoint, it could only be assumed that she had come to this meeting not expecting to accomplish much to her own desire. There were multiple ways that such shifts in workforce patterns as the Worker's League could be exploited by an industry such as hers to very lucrative ends. Acceptable. In this council, I have the initiative. I shall not assume that she does not posses the art of finesse - yet in not revealing this, she displayed possession of enough wisdom to keep her mouth shut against a socially united council. Insofar as I steer council in a path that spoon-feeds, or withholds progress towards her own desires - those which she could not attain alone - I will make her dance to my strings, without her realizing that she is only a rook in a game far more ambitious than her own. ---- [hider=Personal Appearences] Throughout this season, Jarvis will make the utmost effort to seem to be everywhere at once in the public eye. Central to this publicity will be his constant appearances at key WOL garrison construction sites where he gives passionate speeches on various topics. From elaborating on the good living conditions and hearty meals any man may acquire for honest work - to the glorious future of Dakhen, and the well being of their children to which they would be contributing towards in WOL. Jarvis places emphasis on the democratic model under which the organization operates and points out that this is exactly the kind of representation that these commoners have long desired and it was their chance to be part of a group that is not overseen by greedy, heartless overlords. All across the Dao'Min slums, small loaves of bread are being distributed to the poor with the Pentaphraxis crest and Worker's League insignia baked into them (see expenses). At his appearances, bushels of tomatoes also are passed to the gathering crowd in addition to the aforementioned loaves by Jarvis's even-handed entourage. On many evenings after campaigning is such a manner, Jarvis attends dinner parties and balls hosted by nobility indiscriminately to rank, riches, or authority. In doing so, he does his best to win respect, affection and support for himself of the smaller families - while skillfully advocating the advantages of the Worker's League and playing up the belief that this council with the extensive skill of its members and his leadership would be capable of revitalizing Dakhen's economy when at the estates of wealthy and powerful families. Jarvis has promised a candid interview with Residenz News later in the season to speak further on how he supposedly intends to bring an unprecedented degree of democratic self-governance to Dakhen through the Worker's League. [/hider] [hider=Message to Sir Ben Pella] Contribution is the least I can do to repay the centuries of the Temple's pious service to Dakhen and its people. As of the morrow' all across Dao'Min, I shall use the entirety of my families meager wealth to distribute alms of bread to those who need it most in these trying times. I would be greatly humbled if the representatives of Tallus would join me in this endeavor to provide food for the soul in conjunction with my distribution of food for the stomach to the poor who seek it. Together we may lift the eyes of every man, women and child from the ground to the bright future ahead. Your's truly, Duke Jarvis Pentaphraxis [/hider] [hider=Message to Family Head Proctor] It has fallen unto my interest to ponder the humanity of Biosynth beings as many before me have done. As you full well know, the mind is an incredibly complex organ than not even the pre-descentionists could claim to fully understand. It is my prime projection and wish that we liberate several of these beings from their mental prison. Be it an issue of genetics, or indoctrination, we are in a position of great understanding of how to gently circumvent these mental obstacles. The human mind is far more flexible and adaptive than Biosynth engineers could even suspect - they believe that genetic manipulation can control the destiny of a human while we know the opposite with certainty. I have commissioned an under-the-table purchase with a minor company for a high price (guarantee silence) to take several beings off their hands for a significant price. Childhood mentor, I have confidence that since you managed to educate such a hard-headed youth as myself, you will be capable of breaking the mental barriers that were placed on these men and women. They will be treated as part of our family - with respect and kindness. I expect this to be a long term project, as such deep-seated blocks will certainly not be quick to remove. Raise them to the best of your abilities, friend. [/hider] [hider=Request to Steward Fitzroy] My good man, may I depend on you to meet a small request? The population statistics of Dakhen has long been neglected, and now comes a time when we require these numbers for our analysis and subsequent stimulation of the economy. I do not ask for exactitude - merely a rough, yet reasonable estimate as to the population of our glorious pillar. [/hider] [hider=Turn 2 Spending] Provide a meal and basic clothes to the destitute squatters ejected from the factories to be demolished. (1/2 asset) Distribute alms of bread baked with the Pentaphraxis crest and Worker's League insignia to the poor of Dao'Min and a minor amount of Tomatoes during my addresses to crowds - possibly with the administrative aid and manpower from the Temple of Tallus if they deem my invitation to provide spiritual support side-by-side with our food distribution to be worthy. (1 asset) In a secret deal with a company which has many industrial Biosynths, we purchase 4 men and 2 women for a disproportionately large sum. (1/2 asset) [/hider]