[i]Bit of Rabble at the Den[/i] "Bwahaha!" A human man was laughing, as he spat out his ale onto the tavern wench's blouse. She gave him a glare, "That'll cost ya." The human man, a pudgy set man, with a thin mustache that was recently trimmed, and was dressed in a festive yellow tunic, with trims of purple embroidery around the edges, peered at the tavern wench eying her with a lustful endeavour. He licked his lips before cocking up his left eyebrow. He sauntered his right elbow on the table as he tried his damnest to sound suave, "For what, the waste of ale or spotting those marve-" That is when he was cold-clocked by the tavern wench, and fell flat on his ass, from being knocked off from his booth. He whimpered in pain as he held onto his right eye, which was already quickly becoming swolen. The table burst out into laughter, some with applause, "And that's another one knocked out by 'Devil's Dame' Hildred!" said a relatively young man, who was dressed in rather dirty rags. Hildred glanced at the young one, "Ah, if you think that was good, you should have seen what my husband would do. ...Damn bastard seems to be always sleeping, when this stuff seems ta happen." She said as she idly cracked her right knuckle, and glanced at the assembled patrons. "If any of you 'tavern trash'," Hildred emphasized tavern trash, in such a way that she meant it in a loving way for this band of ruffians, scoundrels, and general ne'er-do-wells, but having that love underscored by an incredibly cold, and harsh undertone. "Keep me from making my man dinner on time by having to smack sense intaya..." She glared at them immediately before bursting into a bit of laughter, as she began shaking her head. This was immediately followed by staring at a Dwarf who wore a particularly large brown leather hat, with a pronounced brim, and a wilting pointed tip that went down. "You lost the wager ya made earlier, and ya know what that meaans..." she said in a rather sing-songy tune, as she beamed a heart-felt grin, which was both joyful and snarky in its nature. Though as this was Hildred, it came off more as snarky than a genuine happiness. As the tavern quickly hushed, with many of the patrons leaning in to glance at the dwarf. The Dwarf, tugged on his dark red beard, as he gave a solemn nod to Hildred. "Aye, gotta pay for all the rounds comin' up." And that is when the tavern exploded in great cheers, and many toastings. The Dwarf opened a violet coin purse as he began counting his coin, "I... maaay be doing some work, cleaning dishes, floor and what have you... As I know for sure I won't have enough to quench the thirst of all these patrons with just coin." Hildred smirked at the Dwarf, "Oh it'll be fun, don't you worry." The tavern again exploded into laughter and cheers at the Dwarf.