Relaxing for a moment, Azazel gazed into the dancing flames. The events of the day repeated in his head as he tried to remember where he was before appearing in this mysterious place. The look of those beasts was also unfamiliar to him. On top of it all, he pondered the new energy that formed inside of him. His head lightly twinged with a dull ache as he finally came to realize he appeared to be alone "Madam?" He looked around for a moment, confused. He had been wrapped up and distracted by the situation, he let himself loose track of Maria. A look of brief concern crossed his face, slowly beginning to stand, when the sudden appearance of Maria's form put him on heels. Like a reflex, a cloud of thorny, bladed darkness had shot up from the flickering shadows across the back wall of the shelter. Azazel stopped himself just before the darkness closed in, seeing Maria baring no hostility. Catching a breath of air, Azazel rubbed a hand over his face and sat back down. The frightening conglomeration of voidish weapons slowly receded back into the twitching shadows as Azazel's feet. Finally he shot Maria a glare. "Are you mad?!"