Coraline groggily woke up, finding herself staring at steel bars that were separating her from what appeared to be some kind of high tech laboratory. Her mind felt dull and slow, so she could only stare blankly at her surroundings while trying to figure out exactly what had happened. There had been that locker, and a hissing sound... and that freaking trash can. That right there was how people developed trust issues. Feeling more with it, she sat up, only to realize that she appeared to be in some sort of cage - and she wasn't the only one. Some other students were laying on the floor nearby her, all of them out cold. Coraline felt a slight chill go through her at the realization that she seemed to have found herself in the middle of some kind of mass kidnapping. Shoving down a flicker of panic, she started looking around in search of something reflective, and hopefully big enough for her to fit through. Her eyes flickered to the cold steel ground she was laying on, but she could see straight away that it wasn't shiny enough for her to be able to access her dimension. The sudden sound of the mechanical whirring of a machine caused her to drop to the ground, screw her eyes shut, and try to remain as still as possible. She heard the sound stop, followed by a squeak of metal, and a soft thud. Coraline waited, heart pounding, until she was certain that whoever had been there had left, before opening her eyes. There was now another student in the cage. She spotted what could be a door, and crawled over it. From there she could see that the cage they were in was suspended in the air by something, and the whirring sound was probably the lift underneath the cage working. The door to the cage was locked, as she'd sort of figured. In her head, she went over a possible escape idea. It seemed that the cage was opened when another student was placed into it, and she could attempt to overpower who or what put them in there to get out. However, she didn't exactly think she would be able to do that quietly, so instead, she went to examine the lock further, to see if she might be able to pick it or not.