[center][b]Yoshikuni Sadako[/b][/center] Hearing Eiji call out to them, Kuni would instantly move to drag Ryuu in the direction of his voice until they faced him. Upon seeing Sachi in Eiji's arms, she stuck out her tongue at the young infant, knowing what her response would be, before moving to pay more attention to what Eiji was saying [b]"It's fine. The moment Ryuu said that you had to go look for someone I understood. I hope Sache didn't give you a hard time."[/b] She said and made a silly face towards Sachi. After a moment, Kuni stopped and looked at Eiji with the regular smile on her face [b]"I'm fine, don't worry. After the match I went and spent a bit of time with Reyna. She is really nice and a bit shy, so I decided to show her around and then walk with her until she had to get back to the hotel. She has a really strict bird looking after her."[/b] She said, and then took a bit of a breath before looking in the direction of the arena for a moment. [b]"I saw Reyna used lightning around her body to deflect my Earth hand technique, so I decided to try and push her into the swampy water, where I thought her lightning techniques would spread out thoughout the water and also hit her, but she also had a summon so my attempts to push her back didn't work. After that I decided to bring the water to her. That also didn't work, because I didn't think all the way through about how much water would be sent to her by using explosive tags within the water. After doing that, I started feeling a bit dizzy, and I realised that if I kept on going then I would most likely start seeing blurry as well and I didn't want to reach that point, because then it would be hard for me to counter anything she might've had. So I chose to resign from the match by claiming that I am retreating, and hopefully the people who were watching would think that I chose to do so to think about a new strategy against her and as well to recover a bit of chakra."[/b] Kuni finished her explanation and looked at her sensei, hoping to get his approval for her way of thinking. She had no idea if that is what people would see, and she figured that they could also see it as a failed assassination or a poor choice, but that was what she chose to do.