[center]Storybrooke: Chapter 2 Down the Rabbit Hole Day 1 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140406041712/once-upon-a-time-2/images/6/6f/Once-Upon-a-Time-first-season-Welcome-to-Storybrooke.jpg][/center] [hider=Faye Stevenson]After Faye Stevenson witnessed Knox, Henry, and Mary Margaret's fall into the portal, she gathered some soil samples so she could run tests on it in order to gain information on the portal. Heading back to the town, she informed David Nolan about the disappearances and showed him the area where they disappeared, but was told to remain silent about the incident to keep from causing any more panic. Soon after, they agreed on a plan to ask Regina and Mr. Gold for information; Faye was left to be the one to ask Mr. Gold for help while Nolan would be the one to ask Regina. Heading for Mr. Gold's house and she asking for his help, she was instead taunted and told that she had nothing to offer to Mr. Gold. Hyde took over and managed to make a deal with him, being requested to go and do what she does best...and kill Regina in return for his help. Hyde accepted, completely aware that Belle was watching. Afterwards, Hyde left and allowed Faye to take over. Faye hurried to David and told him that Hyde was going to attack Regina and requested that he watch over Regina. Hours later, Hyde took over and attacked Regina with Gold. Once Gold was gone though, she struck a deal with Regina and left her alive. Switching back to Faye once more, she bumped into Belle on her way home and told her that Regina lived and the reason behind Mr. Gold's intentions. After that, all that was left to was for Faye to head back home.[/hider] [hider=Belle]Belle woke up to find herself in Rumpelstiltskin's home, and she asked him numerous questions about his deception with having her bring magic to Storybrooke and if the woman he mentioned in the hospital was truly alright. However, he was reluctant to answer and kept on dodging the questions, insisting that she took a bath. She did at first, but the doorbell caught her attention and she followed Rumpel and the guest without their knowledge to the lab where she witnessed Rumpelstiltskin make the deal to have Regina murdered, despite Belle's plea not to. Her presence wasn't pointed out until after the deal was made and the women(?) left her to speak with him alone. Belle argued with Rumpelstiltskin and after a sharp retort from him, she left to go and see her father. However, once there, she found that being with her father wasn't any better, because of his total detestation for Rumpelstiltskin and was quick to call him a monster when she knew better. She left her father and wandered through Storybrooke a bit, wondering where she would stay for the night...too angry to return to Rumpel, before running into Faye Stevenson, the woman she saw talking to Rumpelstiltskin earlier. After learning that Regina was still alive and Rumpel only wanting Regina dead out of some sort of pent-up anger of what she had done to Belle back in The Enchanted Forest, Belle headed back to Rumpelstiltskin's house and found him in the basement. The both of them quickly reconciled.[/hider] [hider=Mark Dufresne]Recovering from his emotional breakdown, Mark, or Nick Chopper, slowly rose up off the ground; slowly but surely coping with all the memories that had entered his mind. One instinct seemed to rise up, above the rest, and that was that he needed to find Mason, find his son. Instinctively knowing the layout of Storybrooke from his time as Mark, it didn't take Nick long to make his way to the clock tower where everyone seemed to be gathered, reuniting after so long. His eyes skirted through the crowd until they landed on a secession of rather angry townsfolk led by none other than Dr. Whale, apparently en route to Regina's large house. Mark, feeling his parental instinct kick in, followed. Though he had no idea who Regina was away from this land, she didn't appear to be loved by all the town. As soon as the crowd swelled around Regina's manor, Mark quickly stepped forth, grabbing an axe and proceeding to make short work of the door. He had no care of bringing anyone to justice or capturing any enemies. He only wanted his son back. Just when the penultimate strike was about to land, the door swung open as Mason curiously investigated what was going on. Mark could only thank his own reflexes, and God's will that he hadn't cleaved his son's face in two. Dropping the axe, Mark knelt down in front of the boy, who apparently didn't recognize him. Mark reintroduced himself as Nick Chopper, Mason's father - but the boy remained unknowing, as though he had repressed any and all memories of Oz. He was interrupted, however, by the sure interruption of Regina; who appeared none the calmer, hardly taking notice of the obviously angry mob ready to place her head on a spike. Mark wasted no time standing on ceremony, instead demanding what Regina did to Mason to make him forget that Mark was anything more than the town fireman. Regina quickly assumed her own motherly defense, assuring Mark that Mason was, by law, hers. Mark tried to defend this, but was rudely cut off, with Regina managing to cut in a rather hurtful remark (which would have ordinarily perhaps driven Mark on a guilt-trip...but strangely left him only mildly offended) Realizing that things were hopeless for now, with no point in fighting. Mark assured Mason he'd always fight for him before leaving the crowd, headed back home to think. But things changed when David, assuming the role of Prince Charming as he was in the Enchanted Forest, had Regina arrested and had Robert send Mason back home with Mark; a transfer he was none the more excited to oblige. Things got off to a rough start as Mason almost instantly became defensive, angry that Mark had, for all intents and purposes, took the boy from his mother. Mark tried to gently explain what had happened...that Mason's real mother had passed away in Oz, but Mason was adamant, wasting no time in disowning Mark before running into his bedroom to weep. Mark sat tiredly, alone in his living room with only his dog to comfort him. He looked up at the ceiling and verbally called for his wife to come and help him. Met only with silence....[/hider] [hider=Robert Leland]Robert: Robert watched over Regina at jail, who realized his curse was back so she asked him to get a pillow. Real eventful day.[/hider] [hider=Mr. Gold]Mr. Gold had teleported himself and an unconscious Belle to his home where he knew she would be safe. He laid her atop of a bed in a spare room he never used and watched her sleep for a few moments, reminiscing back to the time they had spent together in his castle. He brushed her hair with a brush he procured with magic, untangling the knots that had formed in her hair over the years in the asylum and waited for her to wake up on her own. It didn't take too long, and he knew she would be just fine when the first thing out of her mouth was a quick jab as to the color of the walls being pink. Uncertainty claimed his thoughts however, as he offered for Belle to stay with him in his home thinking that now the curse was broken, she would leave him; not wanting to stay, but she brushed away his worries quickly. She changed the topic, however, and asked Mr. Gold why he hadn't told her about bringing magic to Storybrooke, but that was an explanation he was not yet ready to reveal, and so he dodged the question by shifting the matter to Belle's well being and coaxed her into taking a hot bath to get cleaned up and relax. The very moment Mr. Gold reached his embarrassingly empty-of-food kitchen, the doorbell rang. Not having a clue as to who was stupid enough to confront him at his own home with magic back in his blood (despite the fact that he was too weak to use it right now) he went to answer the door, grabbing a gun on the way just in case Moe French came for his daughter and another go at The Dark One. Somewhat relieved to only find that it was Faye Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll being her true person, he put the gun away and listened to what she had to say. Heather had come to him looking for someone well-versed in magic, and although he knew Belle would hate it if she found out, he was unable to resist. He informed the doctor that he would meet her down in his basement and told her of a outside door she could use to get in before closing the door on her. After making sure that Belle was still in the bath, Mr. Gold followed Heather down into the basement where they could talk privately. Heather then informed Mr. Gold of the disappearance of Henry, Mary Margaret and Knox, explaining what she had seen as them being sucked into some kind of portal. She then told Mr. Gold that she had taken some samples of the soil once the portal had vanished, hoping that it would contain some information as to where the portal took them, and wanted his help in finding it out so that they could help them return to Storybrooke. Mr. Gold was quick to remind Heather of the deal they had made back in The Enchanted Forest, but pushed it aside for the time and in turn asked for a favor...from Evelyn Hyde. A deal was made, and Regina would be dead before the day was out. Just as the deal had been struck, Evelyn Hyde let on to the fact that they were being watched, and as she left, Mr. Gold could see Belle's face looking in through the window with a look of sheer horror on her face, as she had heard and understood everything that had just transpired. Feeling sick to his stomach, but not showing it he left the basement and went to speak with her, and of course she called him a liar as he had broken their deal about keeping Regina alive, but of course, the Imp found a loophole. Belle was quick to point out that he toyed with words,as he did people, and expressed a hope that he had changed. Unable to keep his mouth shut, Mr. Gold retorted that she had only been with him for an hour, eluding to the fact that it was impossible for her to know if he had changed. He regretted the words the moment they left his lips, but it was too late...the hurt going through Belle was too much, and she simply walked away from him...in Rumpelstiltskin's mind...forever this time. He knew he deserved that, deserved Belle leaving him forever. Perhaps it was better this way. He didn't deserve an inch of her good heart, not if he kept breaking it. With a sigh, he returned to the basement and poured himself a couple of drinks, not because he needed it to dull the physical pain anymore, but because he wanted to get drunk; wanted to feel numb so Belle couldn't hurt his heart anymore. After a couple of hours, Mr. Gold pulled himself from his revere and left his home to walk the short distance to the Sheriff's station. He had an appointment after all. After putting a soft sleeping spell on Graham's coffee from a fair distance, the only 'security' Regina had was now unconscious, and Mr. Gold revealed himself to her, toying with Regina as he explained to her that she was about to die, but not by his own hand since he had made a deal with Belle that he wouldn't. That's when Evelyn Hyde made herself known, and as much as he thought that seeing the horror on Regina's face at the recognition would make him feel better, it didn't, so he simply left the Sheriff's station to leave Hyde alone with Regina and carry out the deal they had made. He wasn't drunk enough, not yet, so he returned to his basement where he sat at his spinning wheel, and drunk himself into a stupor. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he heard Belle's voice calling his name in a quiet coo. He turned from his spinning wheel to find her approaching him, and although it took his drunken mind a few moments to register that she was really back, he was able to tell that this wasn't just another one of his illusions. He was quick to ask her why she was back, as if reminding her that it was a mistake to be with him, that he would only cause her pain but she replied simply that she was worried about him, and those words alone hurt him more than anything he had ever experienced before. He tried to ignore her then, unable to form words or show what he was feeling because he didn't know [i]what[/i] to feel, but Belle kept talking and informed him that Regina was still alive. He wasn't sure how she knew, but he could feel it as well, Hyde hadn't killed Regina after all but he wasn't in any kind of mood to care too much about someone breaking a deal with him. He told Belle once more that she didn't need to be there, that she should leave because despite what she might think, he was still a monster but Belle insisted that was exactly the reason she had to stay, and with that, Belle was pulled into his lap and the two shared a delicate kiss with a promise from Rumpelstiltskin that he would try to understand the motives behind her madness in still loving him.[/hider] [hider=Regina Mills]Still weak from her injuries, Regina couldn't get downstairs quick enough to stop the angry mob from breaking into her home so Mason was quick to go and investigate before she had much of a chance. By the time she reached the downstairs, her door was halfway cleaved open and Mason was talking with a man who Regina only knew as the firefighter here in Storybrooke, his Enchanted Forest persona escaping her mind. Immediately, Regina was accused by Mark Dufresne - Nick Chopper as he quickly corrected her - of altering the mind of Mason so that he had forgotten about him. It was then that Regina learned that Mark - Nick - was Mason's real father. She would have felt extremely threatened right then if it hadn't been for the fact that Mason didn't seem to remember him, and to no alteration of her own. She toyed with Nick Chopper for a moment or two, pushing as much anguish on him that the situation would allow before Nick had enough and walked off with the promise that someday, he would have his son back. Now left with just the angry mob to deal with, Regina only smiled. Dr. Whale did what he could to rile up the crowd again, but Regina wasn't allowing Frankenstein to push any buttons today. Instead, she threw out her own insults and intimidation, confident that she was the one in power here. Annoyed with the crowds presence, she finally made a move and attempted to use her magic, however when she tried...nothing happened. The crowd immediately realized she was powerless and pounced. Dr. Whale had her pinned up against a marble pillar of her home, but Mason wouldn't have anything of it and pounced on Dr. Whale, getting in a good hook shot before the crowd managed to pull him away from the doctor. However, before Whale could do anything more to Regina, David Nolan showed up with Robert Leland in tow for crowd control, and David ended up convincing the mob that it would be in their best interest to have Regina locked up for their safety and hers. Regina was then quietly escorted to the station by David, as Robert could do very little now that the curse was lifted and his own curse of serving Regina had returned, and Regina was put in a cell. She didn't put up much of a fight for going, she knew that with her injuries, and with an angry mob out for her blood and without any magic, she didn't have many options. David asked her why they hadn't returned to The Enchanted Forest now that the curse was lifted, and Regina replied that it was because that land was no longer there, and destroyed completely. Angry, and with other things to do, David left and Regina tried to relax to allow her injuries to heal faster. Robert had eventually come into the Sheriff's station, no doubt to fill out some paperwork and keep an eye on Regina, and Regina pounced on the opportunity to make him feel uncomfortable. She reminded him that she could ask him to do whatever it is that she wanted, since he was bound to her once more, but all she asked for was a pillow to make her 'bed' in her cell more comfortable, and so Robert obliged, returning to Regina's home to grab a few things for her to make her more comfortable. Hours later, the shift changed at it was Graham who was now tasked with looking after her. Not paying attention to much, she didn't realize that Graham had been put to sleep (a sleeping spell put onto his coffee) and Mr. Gold stepped out from the shadows. She realized at once that his appearance was haggard, and he reeked of alcohol, but when she realized that he was there to kill her, she made no comment about his appearance. Then, realizing that it wouldn't be Gold that would be killing her out of some twisted deal he made with his pet Belle, anxiety turned into sheer terror as Evelyn Hyde made herself known, and the plan the twisted Imp had in mind came to light. Mr. Gold left the two of them after Hyde took it upon herself to scare Regina stiff, but after Gold was gone, Regina's mouth began running and she found herself pleading for her life...not to be able to wreck havoc on those in Storybrooke, but so that she could be with her son again. She wasn't sure how she did it, but the monster agreed to not kill her so long as Regina did as Faye Stevenson and David Nolan said. Regina agreed quickly, anything to have her life spared. David Nolan showed up not two seconds later and with David none-the-wiser, Evelyn had him feeling as if he had saved Regina's life. Evelyn Hyde was gone, leaving Regina shaking but otherwise unharmed and David had no choice but to let Regina go since the cell was unable to hold her any longer since Hyde had damaged it. Regina left quietly, wondering just what sort of higher power was looking out for her that day. Now back home, Regina could only think about one thing: getting Mason back. But in order to do that, she had to heal her injuries and figure out what this mental block was that was keeping her from being able to use magic. She tried lighting a candle, but even that proved to be too difficult and she quickly grew irritated and frustrated, instead throwing the candle halfway across the room when it refused to light. There was a sudden knock at her door, and wondering who would be coming to her home in the dead of night, Regina found herself going to answer. He jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she saw it was Mason as he buried himself into her waist for a tight hug. He explained to Regina that he was supposed to stay with Nick Chopper for the night, but he hated it there and snuck out the window after pretending to go to bed. Regina didn't care, Mason was back and that's all she ever wanted. She consoled the boy, promising him that they would never have to be apart from one another ever again.[/hider] [hider=Ruby]Ruby had busied herself with the townspeople as much as she could, taking it upon herself to try to find lost friends or family members that had been separated during the curse. While she was out doing this, she noticed Grumpy, Sneezy and the other dwarves heading out of town and Ruby felt compelled to follow. When she met them at the town line, Grumpy and the other dwarves were trying to convince Sneezy to cross the line to see if anything would happen; if now that the curse was broken, they were still being forced to stay in town or not. Out of the goodness of her heart, Ruby stopped Grumpy from pushing Sneezy over and offered to go over the line herself. She was a werewolf after all, there wasn't much more that could be done to her...not that she believed that anything bad would happen anyway. Ignoring their pleas for Ruby to not cross the line, Ruby pointed out that it was her fault Snow had 'died' in the first place back in The Enchanted Forest, and that this was something she could do for Snow in a long process to feel forgiven, and so Ruby crossed the line. Immediately, all memories of Red were gone once again; a reset button had been pushed and Ruby was once again the sleazy waitress of Storybrooke bound on moving to Boston and sleeping with every guy in town...her true memories gone once again.[/hider] [center]Wonderland: Chapter 2 Down the Rabbit Hole Day 1 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/42/OUAT-Wonderland-Title-Card.jpg][/center] [hider=Edric Lidell]Falling for what must have been an eternity through the blasted portal, Henry, or at least who was Henry, crash-landed into the Enchanted Forest, looking much different than before. Appearing out of the shambles of Henry's clothing, The Cat, now looking much more mystical and healthy than before, wasted absolutely no time waiting as he almost frantically began looking for his sister; fraught with worry as she was not there with the rest of them, even though she fell through the portal first. Finally stopping to collect himself, The Cat realized that Alice had been sent elsewhere, and he was now back at the very beginning of his journey...eyes landing on the portly man who had been stalking him these last few weeks, The Cat recognized him as no other than Leveret, otherwise known as the White Rabbit of Wonderland: his home. Magically transforming into cat form as he began to rant and hurl insults at the Rabbit as he approached, The Cat seemed to ignore the rest of his companions in place of fulfilling his anger which burned towards the wretch who had separated him and his sister yet again. Leveret answered vaguely, preferring cryptic riddle and conjecture to actual truths; which only angered The Cat further. Pushing aside his other companions as he continued his verbal assault, The Cat received little in the way of answers except for the fact that Alice was gone, back to Wonderland, at the Queen of Heart's mercy. Before the interrogation could continue, further, however, a deafening roar pierced the tense atmosphere of the barren forest; signaling that something quite big and quite angry was coming close - an Ogre. In a split-moment, The Cat, in a typical moment of cowardice, teleported into the safety of the tall tree; not even thinking of the safety of his companions. Waiting in his tree for the Ogre to be swiftly dealt with by Snow White (thanks to the sudden interruption by an armored woman), The Cat ported his way back down to the ground and joined the reforming team, intrigued by the prospect of there being a refugee camp in the husked remains of The Enchanted Forest. Making the awkwardly quiet journey to the camp with his companions, The Cat quickly began to get used to his surroundings, ensuring his presence was known with a few rude remarks and japes thrown into conversations. However, the peak of his evening came at the point when a strange young woman approached him, beginning to babble on about him being a magical cat god. Pleased with such an accusation, The Cat did everything in his power to confound and mystify the girl using his various disappearing tricks, earning quite the awe and reverence from her in return. His games were cut short, however, when a rather stoic Snow put in that they needed to discuss matters in Storybrooke - how she was to take control of the town as its Queen, with Charming its King. Grudgingly following his friend's instructions, The Cat somewhat jadedly but curtly told her that the only way she'd have true power and control was only when The Evil Queen and The Dark One were out of the picture....permanently. As long as they lived, to The Cat, they would pose a problem - a danger. His advising session was abruptly ended when Lancelot, the armored woman (identified as Mulan), and who was apparently the camp blacksmith approached, incurring a reunion hug from Snow, as was her prerogative. The Cat watched carefully during this short meeting, firstly distrusting Lancelot due to his own slight prejudicial wariness around soldiers, viewing them as beneath him. Snow once again pulled him into serious discussion as she asked him about his past since her Sleeping Curse. Remaining as vague as possible to the details, The Cat could not leave out his deals with Rumpelstiltskin, which prompted a protective and perhaps even distrusting reaction from Snow. This irritated The Cat, who took a certain sense of pride in his independence. Throwing out that it was a deal with The Dark One that turned him into a cat in the first place, he passed Snow's concerns away; telling her not to focus on him, but on herself, on others. Snow disregarded his statements, telling him that she did indeed care - that he was close, a friend. The Cat was touched by this, reflecting on how so few people genuinely had cared about him: Snow, Heather, Alice, and another....Jefferson. The Cat seemed to lose himself in thought, remembering his old friend and wondering his whereabouts, whether he survived the cataclysm of the Enchanted Forest. He was brought out of this reverie as Snow mentioned exploring her old castle on the morrow, a prospect that intrigued The Cat greatly. As he slunk away from her shortly after this, The Cat sought out Leveret once again, extremely eager to continue interrogations now that things had settled down, so to speak. The Cat wasted no time in searching out answers, demanding the Rabbit reveal anything he knew about Alice, about why the Queen would want her back in Wonderland - but Leveret remained vague. Knowing that searching for answers about his sister from the Rabbit was useless, The Cat jumped onto another topic - the strange ring on Leveret's finger; a ring which seemed to glow and reverberate with magical energy. Leveret at first tried to be vague and cryptic in his answers, but The Cat's anger shone, and he transformed himself into a more frightening form with his illusory powers in hopes of convincing the Rabbit otherwise. The 'convincing' worked, and Leveret revealed that the ring is enchanted, forging a bond between him and his 'mistress', the Queen of Hearts, allowing him to leech off her magic when she wills it; making him a perfect extension of her will. The Cat was relatively satisfied with this answer, and then told Leveret that he would help The Cat get to Wonderland to rescue Alice, no questions. Leveret, however, had different plans in store as he used his magic ring to dissipate into thin air; escaping the encampment with childlike ease. The Cat remained standing there, epitomizing the word 'dumbfounded' - his only asset, his only tool to find Alice, and he slipped out of The Cat's fingers like shifting sand. Before The Cat was able to react any further, however, he was interrupted by the camp blacksmith - the same blacksmith who joined the group with Lancelot and Mulan... The Blacksmith brought up the possibility that Leveret had returned to the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland, an observation that The Cat rudely brushed aside; viewing the Blacksmith merely as beneath him. However, the laborer began to entice The Cat with possibilities of a portal being hidden in Snow White's castle, a portal to Wonderland. This caught The Cat's attention, and he decided that on the morrow, he would find the portal and his sister. Halfheartedly thanking the Blacksmith, The Cat decided to explore the camp before catching a restful night's sleep...[/hider] [hider=Snow White]Snow was reunited with Henry and Ruby after her kiss with David. She saw Henry run off and followed him, where she encountered Knox fighting with the white rabbit. Along with Henry and Knox, she was sucked into a portal to the enchanted forest. Shortly after arriving, an ogre appeared and attacked the group. Mulan was nearby and gave Snow a bow, which she used to kill it. Afterwards, the group went to the refugee camp to avoid the orges. Snow met Mulan and learned about the present situation, she was also reunited with Lancelot at the camp. Before the end of the day, she discussed her plans for the next day with Henry, mentioning that she wanted to go to the ruins of her castle tomorrow.[/hider] [hider=Knox Kowalski]Knox gets back to the Enchanted Forest with those who've pretty much ruined his life back in Storybrooke, though life in Storybrooke seems like such a small thing...it's a whole lot better than his hundreds if not thousands of years as being the loner Night. Desperate to get back, he almost began a grueling interrogation of the White Rabbit, but was somehow swayed to let Henry take this one. Of course, the White Rabbit Leveret is coocoobananas and thus no real answers at this moment were yielded...but then ogre. With a combination of dutiful Night's 'let it happen' mentality, and more honest Shadow-Night-Knox's 'not my problem' mentality, Knox steps through a shadow portal to watch this shit go down from afar. It's a little bit surprising to him that faux-waifu is a dead-eye, but meh. They end up going with Mulan to the refugee camp, where he stays quiet watching the campfire in contemplation of the current situation. Henry interrogates the White Rabbit once more, and hearing that Leveret's magical portal was more or less magic from another, lost interest in the man himself and more interest in the one who gave him the portal to this world...the bitch queen, or whatever the fuck her name was.[/hider]