Kara freezes when someone talks suddenly. He has been caught coming late, again.Getting any more notifications from teachers or hallguards won't do any good for his numbers. And he needs to graduate. By his age, he shouldn't be in high school anymore, but ever since he got his Magical Girl powers, studying was left to sidelines, leading to his expulsion from his old school. Kara though it wouldn't be big problem since he had learned most of the stuff already, and he was now a Magical Girl, so getting graduation diploma from school wouldn't matter much. But after realizing being Magical Girl does not bring food to table and eBuy profits depend too much on luck, he needed to get a job. And getting a job is really hard if you don't have graduation diploma. That's the reason Kara enrolled to LibertyVille High School. And now he was going to get another marking for tardiness. "Oh, no, I'm just fine. Dandy even. These new experimental trash bins seem to malfunction though. But the idea is great. Trash can that picks up the trash itself. Wonderful." Karas muffled sound comes from the trash bin as he is still upside down in it, his feet dangling in air casually. He sways to side to side lightly, eventually tipping the trash can over. After some rolling and huffing, he manages to raise in sitting and to his feet from there. "Aah, all better now. Now I shall continue to my class, which I'm not late for." Kara says to Akiza, though facing to wrong direction as the trash can is still covering his head and the metallic arm holding his hands against his body. Maybe the hallguard does not recognize him and still can sneak to class without getting caught. Kara takes few staggering steps before walking forward more confidently. He bumps into a wall four steps later. "Apologizes." Kara then turns 90 degrees and wobbles forward, hitting other wall.