Corvus held his glare for a few seconds more, giving the room an angsty, dark silence... then burst out laughing. It was the loud, warm laughter of a man who had been told a great joke. "I like you, girl! You've got balls, that's for damn sure!" After calming down a little, still smiling, Corvus sheathed his sword, though he did kneel down to pick up the dagger, eyes on the girl at all times. "Firstly, that's not my place. The guards can decide what you deserve and whether you should get away with it. Secondly, you killed a man because he was a bully? That's harsh, even by my standards." He held up a hand to silence any would-be protests, but his voice was still gentle, like a father telling a daughter that 9 add 10 was not 21 but, in fact, 19." Trust me, girl, where I come from, law is hard, and punishments severe. If you wish to end this in a sword fight, take your knife back and we'll settle this one to one. I don't want to do that, but it's an option. Instead, I'd rather -" Then there was the big clamour downstairs. Had they discovered the corpse? Maybe. It didn't sound the panicky cries of old drunks and whores discovering a murder. Then again, Corvus didn't spend much time around drunks and whores. Either way, they couldn't speak here - they'd find the pair and that would be awkward to explain. He'd rather not lose her to mob 'justice'. "Actually, maybe we should find somewhere a little quieter to talk. Grab some clothes, we're taking a walk. And take your sword, if you have one - there are some unsavoury types about and with a sword and two daggers between the pair of us, we ain't exactly a force to be reckoned with."