Hello! I'm seeking out another person (or more than one in separate roleplays), to try this idea for a futuristic sci-fi RP. Note; I'm more of an advanced roleplayer, so literacy, character depth, etc. is much more of a thumbs up from me if you're interested. Here's a synopsis of the idea: [i]"Cryo", meaning cold, and "Schema", meaning a representation of a theory in an outline or model; those words combine to form the life of one individual. In World War Two many secrets were left undiscovered for hundreds of years, but one was maintained and even supported upon its discovery in 2459. Scientists in the thriving city of Berlin, Germany, teamed with archaeologists, dug deep into the ground that had long been untapped, searching for relics of history long forgotten. What they discovered was far beyond their greatest imaginations. A laboratory deep underground, revealing many experiments and machines left preserved for over four hundred years. Much to their horror, they discovered that many of these machines encased the bodies of what had been victims of gruesome experiments. It seemed through the many different experiments, all had failed, and the machines had been weathered and broken down for quite some time. Though as they descended a flight of stairs, deeper into the laboratory, the cold increased to freezing temperatures. At the end of the stairs, a thick steel door encased in ice blocked the path to the secrets that lay within. After burning away the ice, the scientists opened the door, expecting more atrocities. What they found stunned them, and would continue to stun them for years and years. A chamber, resembling the negative pressure ventilators used for victims of poliomyelitis in the 1900's, sat in the center of an ice-slicked floor. It rumbled and screeched as it functioned centuries after it had been created. Ice had formed thickly along its base; a malfunction from the cold it was found to be producing. Desks lined the walls of the room, with binders of paperwork still open, as if the laboratory had simply abandoned the experiments to die in a frozen grave. Upon further inspection of the chamber, a perfectly preserved human lay within, hooked up to countless machines. They could see the individual breathing from the machine that pumped air in and out of their lungs, the pale skin so pristine. It was a monumental discovery. With much speculation around the individual in the chamber, the scientists studied for three whole years on how the machine functioned, making yet another incredible disclosure: the being in the chamber was still [b]alive[/b]. After centuries, the person had resided in a comatose-like state, frozen in an endless sleep. How or why the chamber had functioned properly for so long was beyond cognition, and questions quickly arose as to whether the frozen person would survive being released. Considering all options, and taking into consideration every possibility, the decision-makers concluded on the only real choice they had in order to discover more. After taking all precautions, the scientists carefully and tediously removed the casing of the chamber from around the enclosed person, leaving only the stripped-down vital essentials. They then removed the individual from the laboratories, moving them to their own safer ones. After allowing the person's body heat to slowly rise over a course of a month to a regular temperature, the only options left were to, piece by piece, remove the bits of centuries-old machinery that were regulating every other function. The last to be removed was the breathing apparatus, and much to the scientist's shock, the pristine kept person began to respire without assistance. It was miraculous and one of the most incredible discoveries ever made. It took days for the person to awake from their slumber. Eyes opened to a room full of highly-advanced technology, lying in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar place. They were scared and confused. Their muscles were so stiff they could hardly move, and it hurt to breathe, hurt to see, hurt to do anything and everything. They cried out for help, and a scientist soon came in, quietly calming the centuries old being. After a few minutes of gentle and calm exercises, the person was able to breath and move at least slightly better. Their memory was all a blur and nothing was piecing together in the puzzle of their mind. Questions were asked and an identity was soon remembered. There was no telling how this individual would react to being alive in such a time, so a scientist was assigned to very slowly and gradually introduce the experiment to the new age, starting with the very simplest of things, like food and drink, and whatever else the person asked about that wasn't too confusing. This person, this frozen experiment of World War Two scientists, had been saved from an unknown death and brought into the world of 2459, was the Cryo-Schema. The cold model of the theory that a human life could be preserved for hundreds of years.[/i] Now, this roleplay, ideally, would start the day of the awakening of the Cryo-Schema. The scientist and the Cryo-Schema would interact on a day to day basis, with the scientist slowly explaining history and civilization to the experiment while gradually introducing them to their new life. Reminder, the Cryo-Schema was frozen anywhere around 1940-1945, so they wouldn't know anything past that point. They'd be very confused and frightened by the technology but also be intrigued and curious. The scientist would be understanding and communicative, with a talent for educating and explaining. I'd also enjoy if eventually a romance bloomed between the Cryo-Schema and the scientist assigned to them. I'd prefer a male-on-male relationship, but male-on-female is fine with me. I'd also prefer to be the Cryo-Schema, but if you'd like to, that's perfectly alright! Just post here if you're interested, or message me! I'll create a separate forum for us to roleplay in, and leave this open for others to see. If you'd like to RP and want to claim either role immediately, just write out a character sheet and either post it here or message me with it. Please make it detailed, with a full name, birth date (they must be at least 18!), country of origin, race (Hispanic, Caucasian, African, etc.), and any other vital information you can think of, including either a description of their appearance or a picture, or both if you feel like getting really into it. They have to be human, as well. No supernatural powers or the like. Mind you, I prefer to use images of real people if I use an image to describe a character's appearance; it just gives me a better visual in my mind of the roleplay. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this! I hope it wasn't too confusing, and I hope to see people interested in it soon!